Online lesson on the surrounding world "wintering birds". What birds stay the winter in Russia? Is the eagle owl a wintering bird or a migratory one?

In the large bird world there are migratory and non-migratory birds. For migratory birds, the change of seasons is preparation for a big journey, and for non-migratory birds, the onset of the cold season becomes a long and difficult time to survive this difficult time.


Birds in spring

With the arrival of the first warm days, migratory birds return to their native lands. There is a lot of work waiting for them at home: building nests and hatching chicks.

Wagtails are the first to return to their habitats. They are especially punctual, so they never miss the beginning of ice drift.

At a time when the earth was almost freed from the heavy snow cover, the rooks had already arrived. They are the very first to hatch their chicks, which is why their nests are already built in March.

Also early migratory birds are starlings and larks. The first song of the lark is evidence that the cold will not come again. As a rule, males return first, followed by females. And the last of the starlings and larks to return are those who were delayed or lost on the way.

Birds return home from warm regions not because there is nothing to eat there. It's all about the instincts of birds. They are drawn to their homeland by the desire to reproduce.

The flight of birds to their native lands is much faster than their departure. And the whole point is that they are in a hurry to hatch their cubs, which does not tolerate delay.

It is possible to roughly determine the periods of arrival of birds to their native lands. In mid-March, rooks return to their homeland, and by the end of this month starlings arrive.

In early April, larks, swans, thrushes, finches and kites can be seen. In the middle of this month, geese, ducks, gulls, cranes and waders arrive. And at the end - warblers, redstarts, woodcocks and tree pipits.

But May is characterized by the arrival of swallows, flycatchers, nightingales, swifts and willows.


Bird life in summer

The main task of each species of birds for the summer is feeding and adapting the chicks to life. If the summer turns out to be rainy and cool, then the life of birds becomes somewhat more difficult. Chicks die from colds and hunger. And the parents themselves are in great danger while it rains.

Drought is also not a favorable state of nature for birds. For birds living in swamps, drought is a disaster. During such periods, wading birds are forced to go out in search of a new habitat. And if the hot days drag on, the vegetation begins to dry out. This situation is dangerous for all types of birds.

The main task of birds for the summer is to teach their chicks to fly, so that in the fall they can fly south with their parents.

As a rule, summer days are accompanied by early dawn and late sunset, so the days of many birds become longer. So, for example, chickadees, they wake up with the first rays of the sun and fall asleep at sunset.

And the songs of the redstart can be heard at any time of the day, because they wake up before sunrise and fall asleep at dusk.

In the summer, birds are especially active and lead their usual lifestyle. Day and night predators hunt in forests and steppes. The familiar inhabitants of crowded places fly along the streets of cities and villages.


Which birds fly away in the fall and which ones stay?

Why do birds fly south? Because in winter they do not have enough food, and there is a possibility that their body will not survive severe frosts. Most of the inhabitants of the tundra are migratory birds, and some species in the taiga are migratory birds. The number of migratory species depends on how suitable the habitat is in terms of food - whether there are enough food supplies. Thus, it turns out that half of the forest feathered inhabitants fly south. And fields, swamps and ponds are left to spend the winter without their winged inhabitants.

Migratory birds include finches, wagtails, song thrushes, chiffchaffs and swallows. Lapwings, tree pipits, larks, orioles, robins and redstarts also prefer migrating to warmer lands.

But there are birds that are able to withstand cold days; they are called sedentary. These birds include: woodpeckers, tits, pikas, nuthatches and jays. Cold days are not scary for wood grouse, black grouse and hazel grouse. And the crossbill bird can generally build nests in winter and breed offspring.

It is worth highlighting the nomadic bird species. They do not fly away to warmer climes, but constantly move from place to place. For example, waxwings, titmice, walnuts, redpolls, bullfinches and many others.


How birds winter

Winter is not an unexpected period in the life of birds. Those who stay for the winter are truly prepared for harsh conditions. Birds stock up on food and seeds. And sometimes they go out in search of fallen earrings, cones and nuts.

So, for example, jays. They can often be seen searching for acorns, even potatoes and grain.

And the hazel grouse grows a special fringe on its legs, so it can hold on to icy tree branches.

Birds that feed on buds, seeds and catkins are more provided with food in winter. These are - white partridges, hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse.

But birds that prefer to eat seeds and leaves are always in a difficult search for food. For example, goldfinches, linnets, siskins, redpolls. These birds are saved only by the seeds of spruce and pine trees.

Marina Pozdnyakova
Abstract “Migratory Birds” for middle group children


on this topic « Migratory birds» For middle group children

Goals: introduce students to migratory birds(starling, rook, swallow, crane, nightingale, swift, lark, explain why these birds are called migratory. Insert the general concept in the dictionary " migratory birds". Introduce children with concepts: "fly "wedge", "chain", "flock". Intensify use in speech children of nouns, adjectives, verbs. Develop thinking, coherent speech, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends, lay the foundations of environmental education.

Materials and equipment: phonogram with forest noise and singing birds, pictures depicting wintering and migratory birds, ball.

Integration of educational regions: cognition, music, communication, socialization.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about birds, monitoring birds, reading stories, fairy tales and poems about birds, looking at illustrations, watching films.

Progress of the lesson.

1. The teacher reads poem A. Pleshcheeva:

Boring picture!

Endless clouds

The rain keeps pouring down

Puddles by the porch

Stunted rowan

Gets wet under the window;

Looks at the village

A gray spot.

Why are you visiting early?

Has autumn come to us?

The heart still asks

Light and warmth.

Guys, please tell me what time of year the poem is talking about? /About autumn/

Please name the characteristic signs of autumn? /The foliage turns yellow, it drizzles, they fly away birds/.

What are they called? birds, which fly to warmer climes and which remain? / Migratory and wintering/.

Name migratory birds? /Swallow, woodpecker, rook, heron, crane, starling, lark/.

2. The teacher invites the children to listen to a sound recording.

Children, what do you hear? (Forest, noise of the forest)

How did you guess that this was a forest?

Which birds you know?

Why some birds are called wintering birds, and some migratory?

3. Game exercise « Migratory and wintering» .

Invite the children to divide the pictures into two groups(on a snowflake - wintering, and on a twig - migratory)

4. Slide show

Why these birds fly away from us in the fall? To understand this, let's remember what serves as food for them. That's right, all of these birds eat insects: rooks get worms from freshly dug soil, swifts and swallows grab midges and other insects right in the air, Do you know how caring parents of swallows are killer whales? When they fly away for prey, they sometimes tie their chicks horsehair. They wrap one end of the hair around the paw and attach the other to the wall of the nest. Cuckoos hunt for caterpillars, and they eat caterpillars that others birds don't eat, after all among There are caterpillars, both hairy and poisonous, and cuckoos eat them all. There have been cases when just a few cuckoos saved large forests from dangerous pests.

But in the fall the insects disappear. Our birds They are deprived of their main food, so they are forced to fly to warmer climes. Which means it's scarier birds in winter - cold or hunger? Of course, hunger. After all, the sedentary birds that live with us constantly - sparrows, crows, pigeons - endure winter cold. Why don't they fly away? What do these eat? birds? They omnivores: They can also peck insects, but their main food is plant seeds. In the fall, they like to feast on grain spilled during grain harvesting. In winter, they feed on tree seeds and stay close to human habitation, hoping for help from people.

Guys, do you know that not everyone birds heading to warmer climes? There are such migratory birds who come to us for the winter. (The story is accompanied by a demonstration of slides depicting bullfinches).

Bullfinches are inhabitants of the taiga and northern mixed forests. But during winter migrations they come to us. They become noticeable when snow falls. Bullfinches feed on maple and rowan fruits, and they only eat small seeds from the berries and throw away the pulp. They also peck seeds from spruce and pine cones that have fallen to the ground. They cannot get seeds out of cones.

But relatives of bullfinches - crossbills - have strong beaks with crossed tips. They can exfoliate any lump. Crossbills not only come to us for the winter from colder forests, but also hatch their chicks here in winter. The main food of crossbills is spruce and pine seeds, which they easily take out of cones with their amazing beak.

5. Physical exercise:

Exercise “Guess and sit down”

Guys, now I will call migratory and wintering birds if you hear the name of wintering birds, then sit down; and if the name migratory, then wave your hands. Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, dove, swallow, tit, rook, starling, bullfinch, stork, crane, sparrow, heron, etc.

(carried out to the soundtrack of cheerful music.)

6. - Exercise "Finish the sentence"

in spring birds build nests, because… (children repeat the phrase and finish it) they hatch chicks in them.

Swallows are the first to fly south because... they feed on insects.

The last to fly away in the fall are swans, geese, and ducks, because... reservoirs do not freeze for a long time and provide them with food.

All people love to listen to the nightingale because... he sings wonderfully.

Caterpillars cannot destroy crops because... birds destroy them.

- Birds needs to be loved and protected because... they bring great benefits (decorate nature, sing wonderfully, etc.)

7. Finger gymnastics

(Development of gross and fine motor skills, relieving muscle tension, maintaining a positive emotional attitude children). Along the way, physical For a minute, children perform movements corresponding to the text. - The chick in the nest woke up and perked up. Stretched. And he nodded his head and wagged his tail. (finger exercise)- He opened his beak wide, Loud, loud beeped: Pi-pi-pi, pi-pi-pi…. Bring the worm quickly. - Mom and Dad circled around and carried treats. (finger exercise)- Worm, flea and midge, Eat, eat, our little one (one palm is wide open - "chick's mouth", the fingers of the other hand are gathered together - “mother’s beak, the fingers gathered together rest against the open palm, then the position of the hands changes - every spoken word leads to a change of hands). - The chick is full, he’s sleeping again. Shh-tsh-tsh, we can't wake him up, Children! Remember when birds hatch and feed their chicks, you must behave very quietly next to them so as not to frighten them.

8. Riddles about migratory birds

Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,

The first harbinger of warm days.

Everyone migratory birds,

cleans the arable land from worms.


He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His songs and flight

Enter the poems!


Front - awl,

Behind is a fork,

On top there is a black cloth,

Below is a white towel.


There's a happy house on the pole

With a small round window.

So that the children fall asleep

The house is shaking in the wind.

Father sings on the porch -

He is both a pilot and a singer.


Who's on the tree, who's on the tree?

Keeps score: ku-ku, ku-ku?


Pied mallard

Catches frogs.

Waddles around



Comes to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay.


9. Conversation "People and birds»

Why birds called feathered friends?

Why are they needed? birds?

What do people do for birds?

What happens if the birds will disappear?

Why do you love birds?

Hello, dear guys! The “Projects” section continues its work for children and parents, helping in finding the information necessary for lessons. Today's topic is migratory and wintering birds. We will talk about why, where and which birds fly away from us, and also why some of them are in no hurry to leave the house.

Lesson plan:

Bird species

All birds are divided into three types:

  • sedentary - such birds live in one territory permanently, without changing their place of residence, usually they are representatives of the tropics and subtropics; in the northern regions and central part of Russia these are those urban birds that are accustomed to living close to humans,
  • nomadic - they constantly move somewhere, and regardless of the weather and time of year, they fly from one place to another, but within their habitat, they do this in order to find more food,
  • migratory - these, when the seasons change, regularly make long flights from north to south and back, these include the majority of those living in the northern and temperate zones.

You won’t see migratory birds in winter; they fly away and return to us when it gets warmer. But the sedentary and nomadic ones - wintering ones, they will be with us throughout the cold season.

Who flies away from their homeland and why?

Migratory birds include swallows, wild geese, starlings, rooks and many others. When cold weather sets in, they fly away to where it is warm, returning back to their native places, which they left in the fall.

Why do birds leave their native lands?

Among the main reasons are cold and lack of food. Winter time is not as scary for them as a lack of food. Birds are warm-blooded creatures, their average body temperature is about 41 degrees. In addition, the down under the plumage helps prevent hypothermia. Therefore, they are able to maintain their vital functions in harsh winters, which cannot be said about their activity without a sufficient amount of food.

What do birds eat in summer?

Mainly insects. All their living prey - bugs and worms - either die with the cold or go to sleep, hiding deep in the ground. Therefore, those who do not have grain or plant roots on their menu are forced to fly to warm countries where there are many insects.

Among the inhabitants of forests and populated areas, half of the birds are migratory. Almost everything that lives in swamps and reservoirs flies to where it is warmer. So, storks and herons get ready for a long journey when ponds and rivers freeze. It is difficult to get frogs and fish out from under the ice, and small rodents have long since hidden in their burrows.

Did you know?! The rook is the last to fly away. But he is among the first to return from wintering to his native land, somewhere between March 4 and March 23. That’s why there is an expression: “Rooks have opened spring.” After them, starlings and larks fly home.

How do birds know when and where to fly?

When autumn approaches, migratory birds gather in flocks, arranging training, so that they can then fly for several hours, covering enormous distances, without losing their course. How do they do it?

Migratory birds can determine the road without a compass. Scientists have proven that they absolutely accurately determine their geographic location, flying long distances every year, perfectly oriented in time and space.

  • Ornithologists believe that the sun at noon above the horizon can serve as a guide for them.
  • Some experts are confident that for their path, birds use magnetic lines surrounding the Earth, which are located in the direction from the north to the south pole.
  • There is also a version that birds know how to use the stars, determining their location by constellations.

Be that as it may, many experiments have already been carried out when birds were taken long distances, and they returned to their native nests over and over again.

Many people prepare for the flight in advance, when it is still warm. The instinct laid down by nature, like a bell, gives them the order to fly south to survive the winter and return back to hatch chicks. Scientists call this the migratory impulse, which serves as the start for the flight. Also, the trigger that calls for flight is the changed length of the day. By the beginning of autumn, daylight hours become shorter.

When flying, some species reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour, rising to a height of 3 thousand meters. Bird travel is associated with difficulties and dangers. The smaller the bird, the shorter its path in one flight. Birds are capable of not stopping for 80 hours or more! They interrupt their flight to gain strength and feed, so long-distance flights can last up to three months.

Did you know?! The migratory bird cuckoo flies to Africa. But unlike other birds, no one has yet observed these birds in flocks. They strangely disappear in the fall, with the older ones earlier than the younger generations. And they usually fly at night and, probably, alone.

To which countries do migratory birds fly?

Many of them love Africa. Birds even fly there from the Arctic and Siberia. Most waterfowl, such as ducks and swans, winter in western Europe. From Russia, blackbirds and starlings move to the French or Spanish south, but cranes are lovers of the banks of the river called the Nile. Among the long-distance marathon runners are windbreakers from Eastern Siberia. They chose the shores of New Zealand for wintering.

However, among migratory birds there are patriots who move within our country closer to the warm domestic south. Among them are the hooded crow and the black rook.

Did you know?! Some species of ducks called “mallards” cross more than one country on their way to their wintering grounds. They fly over Belarus, Ukraine, through Germany and Holland, through Denmark and Great Britain, as well as across northern Italy and, ultimately, stop in western Europe.

Who stays with us?

Many birds do not fly anywhere and stay with us for the winter. These include those that, in addition to insects, can peck seeds, grains, berries and bread crumbs. Among such wintering birds are the well-known sparrows and magpies, pigeons and crows, bullfinches and tits.

In winter, in the forest you can hear a woodpecker persistently knocking on the trunk. He is not afraid of cold weather, and obtains food in the form of larvae and insects harmful to the tree from under the bark. In addition to the fact that he is a forest orderly, he also does a good deed for other birds and small animals, hollowing out hollows - houses in which new residents then settle.

The capercaillie does not leave its land either, because its winter forest is full of food - it feeds on pine needles.

Black grouse and hazel grouse will not go hungry; their food is juniper berries and buds, as well as alder catkins.

Did you know?! The crossbill not only feels good in winter, feeding on spruce nuts from cones. Even in the cold, he manages to build nests for himself and have offspring.

No matter how wintering birds are adapted to winter, our task is to help them survive in cold weather. You can set up dining rooms for birds using feeders. If you sprinkle grain and bread crumbs there every day, the birds will get used to the feeding place and will delight you with their appearance when they fly in for lunch.

There is even a special day of the year when a bird feeder or birdhouse must be hung. After all, on this day all birds celebrate their holiday. When exactly is it celebrated? Find out about it.

This is how you can briefly and interestingly tell about your feathered friends. And I propose to finish the project with a poem on the topic:

Feed the birds in winter.

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

With this I say goodbye to wishes for new discoveries.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Birds are the most mobile creatures living on earth. Thanks to the presence of wings, they can easily migrate over long distances due to changing weather conditions or environmental deterioration. Based on their ability to fly, birds are divided into two large groups:

  • wintering:
  • sedentary (never leave their inhabited territory);
  • nomadic (constantly on the move: moving from place to place, wanting to get food);
  • migratory (perform constant movements depending on the time of year).

Migratory birds - introduction

These birds seem to live in two houses: their wintering place and nesting place are different and can be located at a considerable distance from each other. Often migration takes place in several stages, between which the birds take a break to rest. The list of such birds is quite extensive.

Birds begin to leave their permanent habitat at different periods: for example, orioles, nightingales, and swifts begin to set off at the end of summer, although the days are still warm and there is a real abundance of food for them. And waterfowl (swans, ducks) leave their reservoirs very late, waiting for the first frost.

Reasons for flying

Birds are most often heat-loving, their body is characterized by elevated temperature (often it exceeds 40°C). However, feathers protect them well from the cold, which is why they, of course, can live in the cold conditions of a harsh winter. But for this need more food. And in the snowy season, food is not easy to come by! That is why birds have to leave their nests and fly to distant countries rich in food.

As a rule, the inhabitants of the tundra and taiga are more susceptible to flights, where natural conditions are the most severe and food in winter is extremely scarce. A pattern has also been identified: insectivorous and carnivorous birds migrate most often, granivores migrate less often. The reason for this is obvious: grain can be found in winter, but even the sharpest beak cannot reach insects from under the snow. There are a large number of migrants among the inhabitants of the middle zone.

Since there are a lot of them, let's imagine list of the most famous representatives feathered world:

  • martin;
  • lark;
  • landrail;
  • song thrush;
  • wagtail;
  • fieldfare;
  • lapwing;
  • nightingale;
  • oriole;
  • robin;
  • cuckoo;
  • finch;
  • heron;
  • woodcock;
  • gray flycatcher.

It is these birds that fly away from their places closer to autumn in order to return in the spring to breed.

Buntings are of interest: they used to be sedentary and ate in the stables all winter. However, due to the development of city life and the gradual decline of the countryside, there are fewer and fewer stables, so the birds had to switch to a migratory lifestyle. With ducks, the situation is the opposite: in urban reservoirs, thanks to humans, there is now enough food, so they can spend the whole winter there, that is, they become overwinterers.

Species of migratory birds

Among migrating birds we can distinguish two main types:

Instinctive are, as a rule, insectivorous birds, which leave their nests in advance, without waiting for the arrival of cold weather. They feel, as if by instinct, the approach of autumn, although the days are still warm. The reduction in daylight hours allows them to understand that it is time to hit the road.

Weather - most often these are granivores or birds with a mixed type of diet. They fly away if the weather worsens significantly, over a short distance and for a short time.

Why do they come back

There is no clear answer to the question of what prompts birds to leave warm places rich in food and return, covering vast distances to abandoned nests. Scientists have proposed several hypotheses.

Many people are interested in the question: is crossbill migratory? No, it's nomadic species, which is proven by the following signs:

  • he makes movements not related to seasonality, but in search of food,
  • migrations do not occur along a specific route, but in a chaotic manner;
  • The nesting area directly depends on the amount of food: seeds of pine, spruce, larch.

Cedar trees, waxwings, and bee-eaters behave in a similar way, so they are also nomadic representatives of the feathered world.

Black grouse and crow

Is the black grouse a migratory bird or not? Despite the most severe cold and lack of food, this bird remains in its habitat and does not migrate. Special adaptations help this wintering bird not to die in the cold: they are completely bury themselves in soft snow and warm themselves, since in the resulting hole the air heats up from breathing. And for food, the black grouse uses berries and buds previously hidden in the crop.

And the crows? These birds are winter birds. They do not make flights; they prefer to live in urban environments, feed on carrion or in garbage dumps, and make a living by destroying other people’s nests and hunting small rodents. Thanks to their dense plumage and unpretentiousness in food, crows survive the winter cold quite easily.


This wise bird leads a sedentary lifestyle without migrating. In cold weather, there is enough food for the owl in the forest, so it can easily cope with the difficulties of wintering. Thanks to the fact that this predator has prehensile claws, the owl can catch small rodents, which are most often in its diet in cold weather.

The world of migratory birds is very rich and diverse, many of them lead a completely unique lifestyle. However, sedentary birds are also of interest due to how they manage to adapt to unfavorable conditions and survive in a hungry winter. All that remains is to admire the logic and thoughtfulness of nature!

The world around us is unique; there is life not only on earth, but also in water, and even in the air. A modern child who grew up in an urbanized society and has reached preschool age must know not only the objects around him, but also the living nature of his native land.

Migratory birds - who are they?

It is difficult to tell a child about something that he himself has not seen. That is why it is worth carefully preparing for a story about migratory birds. First of all, you need to find thematic pictures depicting not only migratory birds, but also wintering ones, search on the Internet for the sounds they make and their singing.

Try to collect representatives of migratory birds on one piece of paper, and wintering birds on the other, only each image must be labeled.

For example, migratory birds include:

  • finch,
  • wagtail,
  • song thrush,
  • redstart,
  • Chiffchaff,
  • swallow,
  • forest pipit,
  • robin,
  • lapwing,
  • lark,
  • oriole.

And for winterers:

  • sparrows,
  • crow,
  • tits,
  • bullfinches,
  • pigeons,
  • woodpeckers,
  • fourty.

Thus, the child will not only replenish his vocabulary with new names of birds, but also with images.

To consolidate knowledge, you can make an additional Whatman paper with images of birds, where both migratory and wintering birds will be together. After the baby gets acquainted with all the birds, let him tell himself where each bird is and what it is called.

Conduct the conversation as a dialogue. For example, ask: “Is the tit a migratory bird or not? Where and when did you see this bird?” Remember together what birds you have seen before, and why some are difficult to see during the day.

Migratory birds are flying...

It will be interesting for children to learn the reasons for the flight of birds. Tell us that the birds that live in the field, in swamps and ponds, fly away for the winter, because the reservoirs freeze, and they cannot get enough food, because they cannot get frogs and fish; also in the field, all rodents hide deep in holes . The birds that live in the forest can no longer find insects in winter, which fall into deep sleep or die in the cold season.

Tell your child interesting facts about birds. For example, about the fact that birds fly to distant countries for the winter in the form of figures:

  • straight front,
  • crowded flock,
  • joint,
  • wedge

Flying with a wedge or other piece has a reason. The wedge is built according to the principle: the strong and adults fly first, followed by the youngest and weakest. By cutting through the air and creating a powerful air flow, the leader of the group helps the weak in flight, and he also shows the way.

Sometimes there are several leaders in a pack. They fly first in line so as not to become completely exhausted and veer off course. Those who close the wedge constantly make sounds, encouraging the leaders and confirming their presence. Don't be lazy and show pictures of birds flying, and then a video. The baby will love to carry out logical chains and absorb new knowledge.

Flying birds - video

You can tell an older child that migratory birds fly away not only during the onset of cold weather, but also in the middle of summer, that each type of bird behaves differently before flying.

Birds learn about the onset of cold weather and the need to fly away not from the newspaper or news; their instinct is more eloquent than representatives of the media. With its help, the bird knows when to start preparing for a long flight, sometimes they even make test flights. Not only does the bird cook, but so does its body. He begins to rebuild so that the bird is ready for difficult times.

Where do migratory birds live?

Don't forget to tell your child about where birds live. Birdhouses, nests made of twigs in trees, made of clay and twigs under the roofs of residential buildings, as well as cages - all these are the apartments of birds. It is easy to see these houses on the street and show them clearly to a child. It will be interesting for a young naturalist not only to see, but also to make a birdhouse himself.

There is an opportunity to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with your children, which takes place on May 8-9. Have a picnic in nature, take the prepared birdhouses with you and hang them on the trees. Tell us which birds can choose this house for themselves and their chicks. Among them there may be not only starlings, but also sparrows, tits, and birds for which the size of the house will suit. The next time you visit this place together, the voices of birds will already be heard there.

Books about birds

Now you can find many books with fairy tales, poems, and riddles about migratory birds.

Here is a small list of children's writers and poets who wrote about flyers:

  • Mikhail Prishvin,
  • Korney Chukovsky,
  • Vitaly Bianchi,
  • Dmitry Kedrin,
  • Apollo Maykov,
  • Boris Pasternak,
  • Ivan Turgenev.

The child will be interested in listening to interesting poems and stories about birds. Learn a poem with your child. This will help him not only improve his memory, but also remember your story for a long time.

Why do migratory birds return?

Answer the child’s question more broadly about why birds return to their homeland after wintering. After all, the answer is, in fact, simple: in warm countries there is not enough space and food to build a nest and raise offspring. Birds are designed in such a way that if conditions are favorable for raising chicks, the brood becomes larger. Competition among species would destroy entire clans of birds. It is the care of future chicks that pushes the tailed parents to travel thousands of kilometers and return home.

By getting your child interested, you can sow the seed of curiosity and inquisitiveness, which will undoubtedly help the little one study well and learn something new every day.

Video lesson “Birds of Migratory”

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