Training and education of the hunting Jack Russell terrier. Basic behavior problems of the Jack Russell Terrier Jack Russell puppy bites

: DeCb9ZnDrFs How to stop a dog from biting. Hello everyone, this is Elli Di and today I will tell you how to stop your dog from biting. Let's get started right away. It's better to prevent than to fix. If you have a puppy, do not let the situation get out of control; train your dog from puppyhood. As soon as the first incident occurred in which the dog accidentally or not accidentally bit your fingers - react immediately, do not delay. Show the dog your displeasure, say the words that you will always say from now on if the dog bites or tries to do so. We chose the word “bite” for ourselves. Gina, like all other dogs, tasted her fingers as a child, since the puppy does not yet understand what is possible and what is not. If the puppy bites you, say this word in a dissatisfied voice. And always say this word in the future. Show your dog that chewing and biting are okay, but not your fingers. There are dog toys for this. If your dog bites you in play, don't let him continue chewing your fingers, just give him toys! Show the dog how to play, put a toy in its mouth, let it chew it. During this time, praise your dog and even feed him treats. Your task is to firmly connect the concepts of biting and toy. You can only bite a toy. If a dog bites you, stop communicating with it for a while. Immediately get up and go into another room, closing the door behind you. Stay away from your dog for a while, this works great for some dogs! Hands are fed. Don't skimp on treats. Nothing motivates a dog like a treat. Buy special treats that are suitable for your dog. Train your dog more often, let the dog remember that he gets treats from your hands, and there is no need to bite them. Make sure your dog doesn't bite anyone and keep an eye on it. Your task is not just to wean your dog from biting your hands, but also to wean your dog from biting in general. If your dog bites you while he is eating and the dog becomes aggressive and guards the food, hand feed the dog only. First, place the food in a bowl and feed from the bowl in your hands. How to stop a dog from biting and how to stop a puppy from biting - it's easy, follow the rules in the video. The dog bites - what to do? A puppy bites - how to stop it? Dog training is the key to your success; training should be enjoyable for you and your dog. Dogs and puppies bite for a reason... Does your puppy bite his legs? See the wall.

Date: 2017-10-19

Reviews for the video

1. Anna Artyukhova
Before the heating was turned on in the apartment, it was very cold. The dog (Jack Russell, 4-5 months old at that time) refused to sleep in the bed and tried to jump on the bed. After numerous attempts to stop it, we allowed him to sleep on the bed, but only when it was made. At night he went to his place. So, after this fact, our relationship with our dog became much better. They asked a dog handler, he said that the main rule for a good relationship with a dog is to show it that it would be best for him to be with his owner. If a dog does not become very impudent, there is no need to try to become a leader for it, it is not a wolf, and we are not wolves either. A dog is a domesticated animal, a person is already superior to it. Stray dogs, for example, defend their territory only from other dogs; they most often ignore people. Dog owners will understand me. After this conversation, we changed our views on our dog’s behavior, and he changed his attitude towards us. For example, I stopped secretly picking things up from the ground. Of course, all dogs are different. My point is that the theory about ranks is very ambiguous and a dog can easily be “overpowered”.

2. Yulka Lps
help me please
Since childhood, my dad and sister grabbed my dog ​​like in the video and now I just bring my hands closer to her, she immediately bites, if I want to pick her up, she also bites. But my dad doesn’t stop doing this and my sister doesn’t stop doing this. But it’s impossible to convince them. Even when I said that it’s impossible for owners to sleep in bed with their dogs, she looked at me like that. And my dog ​​has food for days and nights and his mother pours it over his eyes. When I started taking the bowl like you did in the video “Why doesn’t my dog ​​eat dry food?” Mom said, “Are you sure, put it back when he wants to eat it.” And also, since childhood, I haven’t been allowed to train, I talked about these benefits and showed your videos, but at least she would have henna. And my dog ​​just hates walking, no, I’m not lying, my mother trained her to go outside for a maximum of 5 minutes And I taught him so that if I give him his favorite treat on the street, he doesn’t take it and doesn’t play outside at all. And my mother is against me weaning him off this. Ellie Dee, please help
And he doesn't even drink on the street
Chihuahua, Male, 4 years old will be in December.
And weighs from 4-something kg. MOM OVERFEED HIM

3. Anna Shapoval
Elya, please tell me how to cope with this situation: I have a Parson Russell Terrier, girl, 5 months old. Until about 4 months I was very ill and could not get vaccinations. Then they did it, accordingly, they started walking with her, etc., but here’s the problem - she doesn’t like walking outside the yard at all (we have a private house. As soon as we go out, she runs for a walk, pulls, but if we walk for more than 5 minutes, she she starts whining, asks to be held, jumps on me, she’s afraid of all the dogs and people passing by, I don’t know what to do, I’ve already taken toys with me for a walk, tried to play with her, she’s still afraid and whines, tried to attract her with treats, the same effect. Please help me(

4. Daria Volkova
Hello Elli Di A Chihuahua comes to us and he always growls at me and other children. He bites my legs and sometimes my fingers, once he attacked me when I was sitting in the car and I managed to react and so I didn’t get hit. This is not our dog, he comes sometimes, this is the dog of our family friend. I am sometimes afraid of him, but sometimes he behaves very well with me. How should I behave with such a dog? They don’t raise him at all. He doesn’t know any commands and behaves ugly. They say that he’s small and stupid and doesn’t need to be trained, but I told them that any dog ​​needs to be trained. Help, tell me how I should behave with such a dog. a dog?

5. Tamara Zabotina

6. Alina SvL
Hello Elli Di
One of the most difficult parts of dog training has always been teaching a dog to bite. And many inexperienced owners asked others and themselves, “How to stop a dog from biting?” Some gave the wrong advice, and some didn’t even know how to help. And then you, like a beautiful fairy, explained everything and showed it. These people were lucky: when they were in despair, they watched your video and tried it.
And they did it
Thank you for such wonderful and educational videos.
I'm in the Ali203 perescope)
Sincerely yours Alina

7. Puppy_Didi
My Didi is 7 months old. Yesterday, when we went for a walk, as always, children come running to play, Didi loves children and plays with them normally, but yesterday one little boy was eating samsa and petting Didi, and the samsa was with meat, and then a piece of meat falls out of the samsa and Didi picks it up with a jerk and eats this boy, climbs up to pet her, and Didi growls and bites, and that boy is 4 years old. Didi is a small Shih Tsu breed. Didn't bite much. He started crying. Do you think it was right that she bit? At that moment she was eating meat.

8. Any Anime
Help, I really want a beige chihuahua puppy, a smooth-haired boy, but my mother says no. I'm saving money for a puppy, but my mother says that the dog will shit and that I can't handle it. I can handle the cat, and I play with it every day. I will get up at 07:00, go out for a walk with the puppy at 07:30, come back and do homework at 08:00, go to classes at 9:00-10:00, come to do homework at 10:00-11:00, go to school at 13:35, at 19:20 come and at 19:40 go for a walk with the puppy then at 20:30 come and watch YouTube relax and sleep with the puppy

9. Merendive Krivert
We adopted a dog from a shelter, 6 months old, a mix of German shepherd and mongrel. everything was fine, but he bit when I wiped my paws after a walk, and bared my teeth, I pressed my face to the floor, there was a struggle for about 10 minutes. He showed aggression only when wiping his paws, in another he was afraid of me and was loving, but when wiping his paws he seriously attacked hand with a bite. I took him back to the shelter, the dog’s life is ruined, he is now muzzled and in isolation, and has started biting everyone, is it worth taking back? I feel guilty.

10. Andrey Andreev
Hello everyone, they asked me to adopt a Jack Russell dog, at the age of two years, I never heard the true reason, but later I guessed) the former owners did not train the dog and at the moment, the dog fully lives up to his nickname “Savage”), chases cats, jumps on bed, pulls on the leash, bites other dogs and even people. but besides other things, he is an affectionate and kind dog. Please tell me, is it still too late to start re-education or should I go straight to a dog handler?

11. Merendive Krivert
We adopted a dog from a shelter, 6 months old, a mix of German shepherd and mongrel. everything was fine, but she bit when I wiped my paws after the alley, and bared my teeth, I pressed my face to the floor, there was a struggle for about 10 minutes. I showed aggression only when wiping my paws. I took him back to the shelter, the dog’s life is ruined, he is now muzzled and in isolation, and has started biting everyone, is it worth taking back? I feel guilty.

12. Masha Lisova
Mixed Jack Russell and Corgi :)
The puppy is 3 months old, before (when he was 1.5 m) he bit his hands a little while playing, but I immediately said in a dissatisfied tone, NO, FU then gave away the toys. It seems like he understands that biting is forbidden, that it hurts me, but he continues anyway. I don’t know what to do, I give treats from my hands, plays with toys, but still gnaws my hands and it’s already painful enough :-(

13. Liza Rotheva
Hello Elli Di Please help me I have a mixed breed of shepherds (German and Siberian) she is 2 months old, sometimes when you play with her she gets too excited and cannot calm down. You can’t touch her, I watched your video “The Puppy’s First Night,” where you showed how to put the dog down so that she calms down. I wanted to do this, but she almost bit me. I'll be glad if you help.

14. Olga Volodina
Good afternoon
Our neighbors have a Jack Russell Terrier. She has already bitten our dachshund 3 times, which left him with scars on his face and became mentally unstable. (fears other dogs when they are close and may run towards them if they are far away.
And the neighbors are not entirely adequate. There is no muzzle, the terrier continues to aggressively attack us.
What do you advise?
How to communicate with this dog?

15. Tamara Zabotina

16. Mimi Minu
1 month for sale husky
The vet said it's too early to give treats
so what should I do now if the dog bites me?
At first she reacted by running away, jumping and all that, then she resigned herself and let him bite
Of course, I understand that he is teething, but sometimes when I give him food he bites
he always bites his feet
What now

17. Anastaisha
About seven years ago I got a cat. Last year a dog appeared (they picked it up from the street. The cat sometimes starts running around the house, and the dog begins to react to it: run after it. The cat either paws at the dog’s face or runs away. We often see people lying nearby. I’m afraid to let the dog go when there is no one at home. What to do?

18. Fields Gyro gymnastics
Ellie, please help me, my dog ​​is a Labrador named Betty. She is one year old and loves to bite fingers and attacks people, including me, and we can’t teach her not to rush and bite fingers. She also likes to bite shoes. I’m already all blondes. holes please Ellie help

19. Maxim Klyukin
make a video about what kind of dogs are octian.
There you will show a list of the most active dogs according to their activity. This is just an example: the most active dog is the Jack Russell Terrier, and the least active dog is the Dachshund.
For example:
1. Jack Russell Terrier.
10. dachshund.
This was just an example.

20. Alika Gusarenko
It’s true that a dog on a leash groans aggressively. I had such a case in my life; my friend and I tied up his dog. he had it in a large size. she struggled, started barking loudly, ran, attacked us and then ran away, it’s good that we found her later

21. Daria Lavrova
Ellie, I really like all your videos, especially on the dog theme) I was always interested in how to stop a dog from biting, and here is the answer to my question) A Jack Russell girl will come to us, and I am sure that all your videos will help us a lot in her upbringing) We love you, Elli Di)

22. Vera Povarnitsyna
Elli help How to stop a dog from biting your hands? (friend) does everything according to your videos, plays toys with him, feeds him by hand, everything is as you say, but there is no effect at all. She bites her hands when her mother is cutting something or she is doing homework, and she bites her elbow. Help

23. Jenny Wild
Thanks to Elli Di for making a video on the topic “how to stop a dog from biting.” We had big disagreements in our family before this. But now I understand my mistakes and will try to do the right thing. I hope my baby won’t bite after this) thanks again)

24. Meri Vey
Two of our dogs died. That’s why mom doesn’t want to take a dog, my sister doesn’t care, and dad doesn’t care. We already have one dog, but he’s on the way and dad doesn’t allow him to be taken out, even though he promised. Moreover, he’s big. What to do? Ellie di please tell me.

25. Elmira Alyautdinova
Elli, thank you for your videos, they are very helpful in raising a dog. I tried many ways to stop a dog from biting, but nothing helped (after watching your video I understood everything. We will try and wait for your new video, Elli Di

26. Elena Ievleva
I have a drathaar puppy, he bites my hands even when I play rope with him. Instead of a toy, he grabs my hand and starts shaking his head, which causes quite a lot of pain.
Thanks in advance for your answer.

27. Dima Mashchenko
Jack Russell
2 months
The dog is more interested in hands than toys. When I start giving him toys, he takes them all and takes them to their place (in the bed) and continues to bite his hands and clothes. What to do in this situation?

28. Anny Life
Well, it doesn’t help that you try to wean my dog ​​for 4 months using your methods, but she sleeps and forgets everything and starts again, and if you leave and close the door, then she takes revenge: she goes to the toilet specifically past the diaper and chews something.

29. Sasha and Tofyasha
Elya, please help me. I have a miniature schnauzer puppy (3 months old). He treats me well, but his dad. she (the dog) growls at him, bites him, and is to some extent afraid. How to accustom her to it? please help me

30. Antonina Girl
in my family, my dog ​​only bites MY HANDS, and does not bite my mother’s, brother’s, etc. I tried for a very long time to wean it, to at least calm it down, but when I press it to the floor, the dog begins to CHEW my hands. why is that?

One of the main problems that arise when training Jack Russells is their irrepressible activity, due to which the dog is constantly distracted and cannot normally perceive the trainer’s commands.

In order for your pet to be attentive and focused during classes, it is very important to interest him in the learning process itself. For example, stimulating for good work with a game or.

At what age should you start?

It is recommended to start systematic training when the dog is two months old.

But by this time he should already know some of the basic commands, since the puppy begins to teach them from the first day of his appearance in the house.

Where to start education

First, the baby must get used to his nickname, place, and also learn not to get dirty anywhere.

Around the same time, the socialization of the pet begins: the puppy must learn to treat strangers and other animals calmly.

If there are other pets in the house besides the Jack Russell, then the puppy needs to be introduced to them. At the same time, it is very important that a meeting, for example, with a cat, does not leave unpleasant memories for the child.

If the puppy has already had all the vaccinations and passed the quarantine, then you can begin to accustom him to walks on the street, if not, then carry the pet in your arms into the yard so that the baby gets used to street noise, cars and strangers.

It is in the first days after a dog appears in the house that the foundations of its relationship with the owner and members of his family are laid.

It is very important at this time to correctly place the hierarchy in the family, and it is necessary that the puppy occupy the last step in it.

“Of the training methods, the most suitable for the Jack Russell is the so-called “carrot and stick method,” when reward alternates with punishment. At the same time, the dog must deserve both. Doesn't obey the owner, didn't follow the command - he was punished, he does everything right - he was praised and given a treat. None of the pet’s actions, positive or negative, should go unnoticed, but both reward and punishment should be commensurate with the scale of his action.”

How to get used to a diaper

In order for your pet to do its business in a certain place, it needs to be accustomed to a diaper.

It's done like this:

  • A diaper is placed near the pet's bed, on which the owner places him every time after sleep and after eating. You need to hold him there, wait until the puppy does his business there, and then praise him.
  • When the baby understands what a diaper is for, he will begin to wear it himself. After this, you can try to gradually move the diaper to its permanent place. To do this, you need to try to move it 20-50 cm from the bed, and treat the place where it lay before with a special agent that eliminates animal odors.
  • If the puppy continues to wear the diaper, then after a couple of days you can try moving it a little more. This way, you can move the diaper to where the dog toilet will be.
  • If the puppy, after moving the diaper, refuses to walk on it, they return it to its original place and, after waiting a couple of days, try to move it a little again.

The fact that a small puppy is trained to wear a diaper does not mean that there will no longer be puddles and piles on the floor.

A pet may get carried away and not have time to reach the diaper - there is no need to punish him for this.

How to teach a puppy commands

  • Training sessions must be systematic.
  • The learning process should bring joy to both the pet and its owner.
  • You need to study commands according to the principle “from simple to complex.”
  • Without accustoming the puppy to one command, you cannot move on to a new one.
  • If your pet is tired, you need to give him a rest.
  • Punishment should not be too severe, and encouragement should not be excessive.
  • It is best to conduct classes in a closed area so that nothing distracts the puppy from the learning process.


It is unacceptable to hit or yell at your pet.

Such “education” will turn the dog away from activities for a long time and will embitter it against the owner.

How to train an adult dog to behave outdoors

If a dog lunges at passers-by and other people's dogs, chases cats or pigeons, and also runs after cars and bicycles, you need to call the pet to you, fasten the leash and scold it.

After this, it is recommended to distract the dog by playing or following a few simple commands. If this does not help and the Jack Russell, despite the punishment, continues to pursue the “object” of the hunt, then you need to take the dog to another place.

It is better not to let your dog off the leash at all on city streets, as well as outside the city near busy highways.

Basic Commands


They begin to accustom a Jack Russell puppy to it immediately after purchase.

for a puppy, you need to remember that it should be sonorous and short: no more than two syllables.


This command means an order not to pick up anything from the ground or to immediately spit out what the pet has already grabbed in its mouth.

In order to teach it to a puppy, you need to take the object from his mouth and command “Ugh!” in a stern voice.

"It is forbidden!"

A prohibitory command means an order to stop some unwanted action.

It is taught in the same way as the command “Fu!”: first the command is given in a stern voice, and after a few seconds there is a sharp jerk with the leash.


You need to take the puppy to a rug or bed after he falls asleep on the floor or on the sofa and, after petting him, say: “Place!”

If the Jack Russell tries to leave, you need to hold him in place and repeat the command more strictly.

"To me!"

The owner shows the puppy a treat and commands: “Come to me!” After the pet runs up, reward it with praise and treats.


The treat is not raised too high above the dog’s head and the command “Sit!” is pronounced. Trying to get it, the puppy will sit down.


The treat is shown to the pet, after which it is lowered down and slightly forward. Wanting to get it, the puppy will lie down.


The command “Near!” is pronounced, after which the leash is pulled up so that the pet’s withers are near the owner’s left leg.

If the dog tries to run forward or to the side, then the command is given in a more stern voice, and if this does not help, a harsher jerk with the leash follows.

The first classes to teach a puppy basic commands are best done at home..

How to stop biting?

From the very first day a puppy appears in the house, you need to stop all its attempts to bite its owner.

Do not provoke or tease the dog. It’s better to completely exclude all games in which the dog grabs the owner’s hands or feet.

If the puppy, having played out, bites the owner, then you can simply switch his attention to another game, for example, give the pet his favorite ball so that he runs after it.

If the aggression was intentional, you need to act differently:

  • Ignore. The owner stops playing, goes into another room and does not pay attention to the puppy for 15-20 minutes. Thus, the dog is unambiguously given to understand that no one will play with such an aggressor.
  • If a Jack Russell bites and growls, the owner can grab it by the muzzle and hold it there until the dog stops growling.
  • An adult terrier can be grabbed by the scruff of the neck and pressed to the floor until he lies down completely. The dog should not be allowed to rise until the owner himself releases it.
  • For bites, you can lift the dog by the collar and shake it slightly.

All forceful methods of weaning off aggression must be used with caution so as not to harm or frighten the pet.

What to do if things get damaged?

As a rule, all “destruction” and damage to things occurs during the absence of the owner.

How to prevent such sabotage from a four-legged animal?:

  • When leaving for work, the owner must leave enough toys for his pet.
  • You can leave your pet some “long-lasting” treat before leaving, for example, large beef cartilage, but in no case bones.
  • You cannot give old slippers or boots to a Jack Russell to be torn to pieces: the dog will not be able to distinguish old from new and next time he will tear to pieces new shoes.
  • If the dog chews furniture or walls, they can be treated with special products that have an unpleasant smell and taste for the pet.

You should not leave your pet alone for a long time without first walking it and feeding it.

The inability to release energy and hunger will only strengthen the animal’s desire for destruction.

Jack Russells are friendly and obedient dogs that are easy to train..

They easily and willingly learn new commands and carry them out with pleasure. Problems can arise when there is no trusting relationship between the pet and its owner.

To prevent this from happening, the owner must devote enough time to his pet from the very beginning, be strict but fair towards him.

Only in this case will the Jack Russell recognize him as his master, whom he will obey impeccably and whose commands he will carry out.

Useful video

From the video you will learn from a dog trainer how to properly train a Jack Russell Terrier:

In contact with

First of all, clearly realize that the reason for this phenomenon lies deep inside - these are genes, because he bites following an ancient instinct. These instincts have been embedded in animals since ancient times and cannot be eradicated. However, there are clear recommendations in answer to the question, what to do if your puppy bites. You can retrain and wean your puppy from biting! This will be discussed in the next article.

We already said why does a puppy bite- this is a consequence of ancient instincts, the struggle for survival. Of course, he doesn't bite you to hurt you. For a small dog, this is just a game; the puppy grabs a toy with its teeth and bites your hands. For now, this game is completely harmless and does not cause concern. But what happens when the little dog grows up? What to do if your puppy bites? After all, dogs' teeth and jaws are designed to chew meat and bones. Over time, the teeth and jaw muscles will become stronger and his bites, even if not evil, will cause real pain, perhaps even leaving wounds.

While the puppy is growing up among brothers and sisters, the problem does not arise so acutely. The fact is that when a puppy bites a sibling too hard during play, the sibling makes a plaintive squeak, and the puppy understands that the bite force should be weakened. This way he learns to regulate the force of his bite and understand that this causes pain. When you separate a small dog from its companions and are left alone with it, the puppy continues to bite. Why does a puppy bite?? For him, this is a form of communication and play, thus he is trying to establish contact with you. why does a puppy bite with you? You are unlikely to be able to squeak like a small dog. The usual behavior of people when a puppy bites is to push him away or start teasing him. All this is perceived by the puppy as a response to the game and encourages him to continue his actions. If you yourself provoke a small dog, then the question is:

? Stupid to say the least. If you continue this behavior, soon the puppy will stop regulating the force of its bite and will begin to show aggression, causing you pain. what to do if your puppy bites.

First of all, it is logical to let him know that the bites cause you pain. To do this, you should act as another puppy of a small dog would act - let out a cry and move away from him. Using a similar method, you can wean your puppy from biting in just a couple of months. Usually, if a small dog has not reached the age of four months, then there will be no problem in weaning off bites. Gradually the bites will not be so strong, and soon they will stop completely. The main thing is not to provoke or change the behavior pattern. Then the small dog clearly realizes that its bites are causing you pain.

Another answer to the question: why does a puppy bite? If his age is more than six months. At this age, completely different instincts begin to develop. The puppy tries to dominate, growls and bites. Why does a puppy bite?? Because he is trying to prove his strength and superiority, to build a hierarchy of relationships. The sequence of your actions should be clear. You must prove that the main and leader of your pack is you!

You should show your superiority this way: when the puppy bites and growls or shows aggression, grab him by the withers and press him down, while you need to look him straight in the eyes and sternly say “No!” after which, when the puppy understands his guilt, ignore him for half an hour, refuse games and communication.

Further education in solving the problem " What to do if your puppy bites“should also be built on education and dominance. A small dog should give way to you and sleep in its place. Don't make any concessions. A small dog should receive food only after you have eaten. It is advisable that she deserves her portion by following some command.

And one more subtlety, when answering the question, what what to do if the puppy bites. Usually, all efforts are in vain when a child starts playing with a small dog. Therefore, be sure to be present during games and do not allow the puppy to bite the child, even if the latter just likes it. In turn, do not allow your child to tease a small dog and provoke aggression.

Be sure to solve the problem what to do if your puppy bites, in a timely manner! Otherwise, at an older age it will be too late, and you will have to get rid of your pet.

Jack Russell Terrier A truly unique little dog who was able to “pack” a big personality into her small body! Jack Russell Terriers are both very intelligent and very active, always on the lookout for things (or trouble!) and require clear, consistent training and constant management.

Mismanagement - and the Jack Russell may soon prove to be a source of trouble and problems. This aspect is often overlooked by many Jack Russell owners at first, not expecting that such a small dog can have a very complex character! This breed is only suitable for experienced dog owners!

If you are the owner of a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, then you may be interested in beginner puppy training course home visit or obedience course(controlled city dog).

And if you have been trying for six months or even more to make a well-mannered canine citizen out of your Jack Russell Terrier, but he just doesn’t give in, then an individual training course can help in this difficult task. correction of behavior of puppies and adult dogs .

Well, if you are just planning to buy a little Jack Russell, then it will be useful for you to learn in more detail some of the features of his character and behavior below.

Features of the Jack Russell Terrier breed:

    The Jack Russell Terrier owes its character traits to its origin. The breed was developed by a gentleman fox hunter named John "Jack" Russell in England in the 1800s. He needed a dog with the most useful characteristics during hunting - compact build, hardy, courageous and with a certain degree of aggression.

    The Jack Russell Terrier, like many terriers, loves to dig and can dig a huge hole in a matter of minutes. It is easier to train a dog to dig when necessary than to break his habit.

    Jack Russell Terriers need to be given a large indoor space where they can play and expend their excess energy. They are known for the fact that they love to climb trees and even a yard with a high fence rarely becomes an obstacle for them, they can dig a tunnel under the fence, so it is better to control Jack’s walks on the street, even if you live in a private house.

    Timid dog owners or those who are getting a dog for the first time will make the right decision if they choose a different dog breed. Jack can be a challenge even for an experienced dog owner. He is strong-willed and requires systematic, consistent and strict training.

    Because Jack Russell Terriers can bark frequently and loudly, they are not suitable for apartment living. But he shouldn’t live outside in a kennel or in a kennel.

    Aggression towards other dogs can be a serious problem with the Jack Russell Terrier if he is not trained to get along with other dogs from an early age.

    The Jack Russell Terrier is a loving and affectionate dog, loyal and devoted to its family, and most of all loves to play with its owner. He enjoys being with people and can be a great companion for older children. When you leave home, try turning on the radio to help him cope with his separation anxiety.

    Jack Russells are lively and love to jump on people and things. They are able to jump higher than 1.5 meters.

    Jack Russell Terriers have a strong hunting instinct and can chase small animals and rodents. They should not be let off leash unless they are in a fenced area.

    Jack Russell Terriers have the highest energy levels and are constantly very active both indoors and outdoors. We can say that this is the most active dog breed. They critically need several walks a day interspersed with vigorous games or exercise in the yard.

Training a Jack Russell Terrier: what not to do.

A lot has been written in books and on the Internet about how to properly raise and train Jack Russell Terriers. Therefore, today we will tell you how NOT to train and what NOT to allow your pet to do. So, TOP 10 “NOT”:

10. No matter how much they whine, first of all, NOT Allow your little Jack Russell Terrier puppy to get used to sleeping outside of his or her bed, hutch, or other sleeping area. You will spend many agonizing moments later trying to get him to return to his place. Also, if you don't want your Jack Russell constantly wedged between you and your spouse in bed at night, don't let him sleep in your bed. You must be strict when training your Jack Russell.

9. NOT Let your Jack Russell Terrier often tower over you with his paws on your chest. This may become a habit for him. Because they often like to play with him on the floor, and Jack Russells very quickly begin to experience a sense of dominance. And very soon, he is the boss! Then practically none of the ways NOT helps convince your pet that you are the boss.

8. When you discipline your Jack Russell (we hope you do), NOT mix discipline with love and affection. Don't feel guilty telling your beloved dog "NO!" NOT Confuse your Jack Russell with mixed emotions. He must know the difference between praise and discipline. This is important when training your terrier.

7. NOT Allow your Jack Russell to show dominance over other dogs. For example, there are several well-trained, larger dogs in your area, but your pet firmly believes that he is twice the size of all of them combined and barks at them. It is good if these dogs are well trained and do not react to it. Imagine when you walk with him past a poorly trained dog, three times the size of your terrier... Therefore, an integral part of training your Jack Russell should be its socialization - the assimilation of certain norms of behavior in a given situation with people and animals.

6. NOT Allow your Jack Russell Terrier to jump up and lie on various pieces of furniture whenever and wherever he wants. Teach your Jack Russell that you are the one who determines when it is okay for him or her to be on the couch or bed and when it is not okay for him or her to sit on the kitchen table (no joke). It is easier to train a dog correctly right away than to try to retrain it later.

5. NOT Let your Jack Russell ride in the front seat of the car with you. There are many special dog seats that easily strap into the back seat of your car. USE THEM. Believe me, if you don’t do this, you will have a second driver sooner than you think - he will quickly “help” you with his paws on the steering wheel.

4. NOT respond to your dog's begging even if there is still table scraps. You just have to give in once and that’s it: Your quiet lunches and dinners at home are history (parties are history; holiday dinners are history; barbecues are possible). It happens that the Jack Russell Terrier wants to start showing various tricks on his own for the amusement of the public. BE STRONG. Remember that they are friendly by nature and are ideal show business dogs. Probably everyone knows the movie “The Mask” with Jim Carrey and his friend Jack Russell terrier named “Milo”. Therefore, to prevent your life from turning into a reality show, educate him.

3. NOT Let your Jack Russell Terrier become the leader of the pack. Even though it has become the norm to have one pet, dogs are still pack animals. They instinctively behave as if they were in a wild environment and in a pack. If you do not want to spoil your Jack Russell, then you must become an alpha “dog” for him - the Leader, otherwise, your dog will lead you, and not vice versa. Literally, your Jack Russell Terrier will become the leader and master of the house: play when he wants; wake you up whenever he wants; pull you outside at will and do many other things that can forever destroy the peace in your home.

2. NOT Remember that your Jack Russell is still a dog. No matter how attractive, funny and fantastic babies they may be, they are not people, although they try to convince us of this. If you constantly remember that your Jack Russell is a dog, it will be easier for you to teach him that he or she is not a person. This is probably the most difficult of the tasks. Remember that your Jack Russell is a family member, but not a person. If you treat your dog like a human, he will think that he is a human, and a dog cannot have a full life like a human.

1. YES(So, 9 - “NOT” and 1 - “YES”), love him! Enjoy your Jack Russell Terrier! They are full of fun, smart, resourceful, full of life, friendly, and they think this world was made just for them.

Let's summarize the information about the Jack Russell Terrier:

    The Jack Russell Terrier is a wonderful breed of dog, but for the right family.

    This breed is not suitable for apartment living or for people who are at work all day. Jack Russell Terriers will get bored and may accidentally “upend” or even “destroy” your home. Boredom can also lead to behavioral problems such as separation anxiety and frequent barking.

    Jack Russell Terriers are not a dog for families with small children because they are quite noisy and can be aggressive.

    Because of their strong will, they are the most in need of obedience training in order to fit into your family, life and community of people.

    Many breeders also believe that due to their confidence and tenacity, the Jack Russell Terrier is not a breed for the inexperienced dog owner.

However, if you have a medium-sized fenced yard, you are an active person, you know how to handle dogs, and you have the time to train, train and train a dog, they are the perfect choice for you. You will constantly enjoy the company of a smart, funny, loyal and friendly companion who loves to spend time with you.

You probably still have many questions about training Jack Russell Terriers, so call us, or better yet, write, and we will be happy to answer all your questions about your unusual Jack Russell Terrier.

Jack Russell is an excellent breed that is increasingly in demand in Russia. If you, too, have not been spared by this trend, and you have got a puppy of this breed, be prepared to raise it so that the animal does not subsequently suffer from your frivolity at the first stage of acquaintance.

First steps

So, this breed is a hunting breed, which means it is quite active, despite its small size. When you brought home the long-awaited puppy, let him get comfortable in the new room, get used to you and the house playfully. But when the puppy falls asleep, be sure to move him to a special place allocated for him. This secluded corner should be comfortable for the dog and located to the side. After a certain number of such movements of the dog in his sleep, he will get used to this place. Toilet training will not be possible right away, so it is better to first cover the floor with newspaper. But if you have chosen a specially designated place, try laying newspaper there and sending your dog there as soon as you feel something is wrong.

Train both your dog and yourself

As always, the main point in keeping a puppy will be upbringing. Every dog ​​needs it from the first day, especially one that is active and self-confident. You must understand that everything that is laid down at the beginning of acquaintance is remembered by the dog as the correct way of behavior. Therefore, restrain your affection and do not allow the puppy to go beyond the limits. For starters, don't let your puppy bite or scratch while playing. He may do this without realizing that he is hurting you. Read how to stop a Jack Russell from chewing furniture. Please note that when the dog grows up, it may continue to bite, even though it will be very painful for you. You must gradually become an authority for her so that she understands who is boss in the house. You don’t have to follow the dog’s lead from the very beginning, allowing it to jump on you, bark, and bite. The daily routine should be dictated by you, walks, food (its quantity and two meals a day) should be strictly observed. You need to control your dog while walking, so it's best to use a leash to start with. Later, when the dog follows the command “come!”, it can be released. You don’t need to punish your dog right away for all the wrongdoings; understand that it is important for you to make it manageable and calm at the first stage. Therefore, if you call your dog, first praise him and give him a treat as a reward. This way she will get used to happily running to you at your first call.

Do not neglect spending time on your dog while it is still small; your upbringing and the effort you put in will be directly proportional to its good behavior in the future.

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