The dog's neck hair is coming out. The dog's hair falls out, it goes bald, and bald spots appear. The dog has hair loss and skin redness

In dogs, coat is the first indicator of its health, along with a wet, cold nose, good appetite and high activity. And naturally, when a dog’s hair falls out, inexperienced pet owners may begin to panic. What can this symptom indicate and, most importantly, what to do in such a situation?

If there is a dog in the house, then part of the concern is caring for its fur. This not only ensures the pet’s aesthetic and beautiful appearance, but also allows timely detection of signs of excessive hair loss. This phenomenon is a reason to visit the veterinarian.

A healthy dog ​​receiving hair falls out twice a year - in autumn and spring, due to seasonal shedding. In other cases, loss of fur is a signal that the pet has a health problem.

Experts do not recommend feeding your pet intensively and with large amounts of healthy food during the natural coat change in an attempt to prevent shedding. Such zeal can cause even bigger problems, so you should know when to stop everything.

It is also not recommended to use products that stimulate hair growth without consulting a specialist, since if there is no special need for them, the dog’s body will receive an “overdose” of substances. In addition, if your pet has serious problems in the body, such therapy will only distract from finding the real cause of hair loss. Even if hair growth is normalized, the cause of hair loss may remain in the body.

Most often, hair loss is not the only symptom and is accompanied by lethargy, inactivity and hyperemia (redness) of the skin. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the skin.

If we talk about internal disorders, this may be a failure in the functional activity of the immune system, metabolic processes, a lack of microelements and vitamins, etc.

Dogs are very emotional creatures and one cannot ignore the fact that the psychological state of the animal can affect the appearance of the coat. Severe hair loss can be due to stressful situations - previous surgical interventions, injuries, loss of the owner, getting used to a new home. Are there many reasons for a pet to be upset?

Often, representatives of breeds that are more suitable for living in an enclosure or on the street and have a thick undercoat experience all-season shedding if they live in apartments. Other breeds may also suffer from this, but to a lesser extent.

In addition, dogs intended for outdoor use, in most cases, shed heavily in the spring, at which time they can itch very often, as shedding causes itching.

Experts also found that representatives shed much less frequently and less intensely than.

What can we say, the loss of a pet’s fur causes certain inconvenience to owners, especially when it comes to keeping a dog in an apartment. Is it possible to help a dog during this period and rid yourself of hair in the house?

Preventive measures against hair loss

First of all, the owner must be able to distinguish seasonal shedding from hair loss associated with diseases. If in the first case it is enough to periodically comb the dog, then in the second one cannot do without a professional examination.

You should not try to treat yourself, but it is better to get tested and identify the exact cause of this phenomenon.

If the reason is an unstable hormonal background, then special hormone therapy is prescribed. If the pet’s fur leaves as a result of poor nutrition, then again the veterinarian will help correct it. By drawing up a full menu and prescribing vitamin supplements, if necessary, the doctor will help restore your pet’s shiny and beautiful coat.

It is generally accepted that baldness is an exclusively human problem. But experienced dog lovers know that even a dog can easily turn into a Die Hard. What is this connected with? What causes a dog's hair to fall out, thickly covering the floor in the apartment?

There is no need to panic right away, as this phenomenon may be natural. Here are some reasons for “physiological”:

  • Banal. It can be especially pronounced in long-haired dogs. As a rule, animals shed no more than twice a year.
  • Old animals are also characterized by “reduced shaggyness.”

If this is not your case, but your pet’s fur falls off in clumps, there is a reason for a visit to the veterinary clinic, as what is happening clearly indicates some serious health problems.

Dog clothing craze

Paradoxical as it may seem, the care of other owners can lead to directly opposite results. If a long-haired dog is constantly dragged around in overalls, without taking them off even in the warm season, then his fur will quickly become unsightly. At first it will become disheveled and dry, and then it will completely fall out on an industrial scale. Everything is good in moderation!

Causes of a pathological nature

Like humans, their pets are subject to daily stress, which is especially noticeable in large cities. If the dog has experienced some kind of shock, his appearance will probably not be very presentable.

It’s easy to verify this: just visit any shelter for homeless animals and examine the dogs that have recently been admitted there. Many of them are missing entire patches of fur on their backs. This happens especially often when a dog that previously lived at home ends up on the street (gets lost, or as a result of the death of its owners).

Read also: Symptoms of rabies in a domestic dog

Lack of vitamins

Spring is not only the time of heart-rending cat screams and shedding, but also the season when the lack of essential vitamins in food most often manifests itself. Of course, at home, many breeders feed their pets with special mixtures, which already contain all the necessary elements. But the problem is that in spring the body requires them in much larger quantities!

However, their shortage often manifests itself in winter. Again, this most often happens in big cities, where the dog is constantly exposed to stress. As we have already said, it does not contribute to the dog’s good health.

If the owners have never thought about the needs of their pet, then the dog will probably be noticeably “shabby.” Modern scientists say that there is no specific vitamin that, when taken, will immediately make the hair beautiful and silky. So it’s better to take your pet to a veterinarian, who will conduct a biochemical blood test and tell you what exactly is missing in your case.

Very often, a lack of such important substances is observed in small breed dogs, which spend most of their time in the apartment, rarely appearing outside. So, never forget to walk your pets!

Attention! Never prescribe vitamins yourself. Their overdose is dangerous and may well end in either the death of the animal or lead to serious problems with its health.

Hormonal disorders

Wool can fall out due to any disruption of estrogen synthesis in the animal's body. Thus, in sterilized females, the fur on the paws very quickly becomes soft and tender, and then begins to noticeably thin out, over the entire surface of the body. Very often, diseases of the thyroid gland, in which there is a decrease or increase in hormone production, lead to the same result.

Allergic reactions

Allergies are a real scourge of modern civilization, and we are talking not only about people, but also about their pets. If your dog is constantly itching and has severely reddened mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, then he probably suffers from it. There may be not just many, but very many reasons. New food, your cleaning products or just laid flooring, a medicine or a vaccine... To find out for sure, you will have to take the animal to the veterinary clinic.

Read also: Venereal sarcoma in dogs: features of the disease, as well as methods of diagnosis, treatment and preventive recommendations

How can you tell if your dog is having an allergic reaction? It is indicated by some changes in your life (we just talked about this). In addition, look at the bald areas: as a rule, in such cases, a rash is noticeable there. There should be no sores, ulcers or non-healing wounds.

If a dog develops dandruff and the hairline is thinning, only a few owners can assume that the real culprits in the current situation may well be the same fleas. When the infection is severe, dogs scratch themselves so much that the hair comes out in clumps. In addition, flea and tick bites themselves may well cause a severe allergic reaction, and we just talked about it.

However, you shouldn't blame fleas and ticks for everything. It may well be that the problem is in the dog's intestines or in its liver. We are talking about helminths. Worms not only terrify even quite calm people, but they also release crazy amounts of toxins and allergens. Dogs that are sick with helminthiasis have dry and flabby skin, in which the hair follicles simply do not hold on. Look at the photos of these animals: it looks like the dogs were slightly sun-dried and then shaved.

Hair loss in dogs(or alopecia) is a natural process when it comes to seasonal molting. But what to do if your pet’s fur coat thins out, regardless of the time of year? In some cases, hair loss is a symptom of illness. Let's find out the reasons why the hair of animals takes on an unpresentable appearance.

Hormonal disbalance

Very often, animals lose hair due to hormonal imbalances. As a rule, with such ailments, hairless areas are symmetrical, and do not cover the entire body, but only some of its areas. The main hormonal diseases that cause a dog to shed a lot of hair include:
  1. Hypothyroidism– pathology of the thyroid gland. Overweight individuals and older dogs are susceptible to it. Among dogs with hypothyroidism, the most common are:. Signs of hypothyroidism include hair loss, significant deterioration of all hair on the body, hyperpigmentation of the skin, and slow heart rate. This problem is treated with synthetic hormones for the treatment of thyroid diseases (for example, Levothyroxine tablets);
  2. Pituitary dwarfism(growth hormone deficiency) is a rare disease that is traditional for. With such an illness, dogs lose hair on their backs and stomachs. In addition, if there is a lack of growth hormone, dogs stop growing by 3-4 months, experience problems with tooth growth, and have thinned skin (often damaged by dermatitis). Treatment involves the administration of hormonal drugs;
  3. Cushing's syndrome(an excess of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for the body’s resistance to stress) – with such a disorder, the dog’s hair can fall out in any part of the body. In addition, with Cushing's syndrome, animals experience extreme thirst, often pee, and behave inappropriately. Their skin has an inflamed appearance and cracks. Animals with such hormonal imbalance eat little, actively lose weight, but their stomach looks bloated. Most often, this disease occurs in dachshunds and. Treatment requires measures aimed at suppressing the production of cortisol (for example, Vetoril capsules);
  4. Hyperestrogenism(excess estrogen) is a disease that occurs in both females and males. At the same time, in animals, in addition to hair loss on the sides and abdomen, the following symptoms of hyperestrogenism are also encountered: swelling of the vulva and nipples in females, swelling of the testicles (in males), roughening of the skin, increased production of sulfur. Treatment of the disease is solved by surgical removal of the reproductive organs (ovaries or testes, depending on gender);
  5. Hypoestrogenism(insufficient production of estrogen) - occurs, as a rule, in middle-aged bitches with gynecological problems. With hypoestrogenism, hair falls out in the groin area (or just near the vulva), the skin becomes thin and soft. The disease is treated by administering the hormone estrogen.

When hormones have nothing to do with it

A dog’s fur often sheds a lot for reasons that have nothing to do with hormonal disorders. Let's try to look at the main causes of hair loss in dogs:
  1. Stress– dogs often experience emotional outbursts caused by a variety of reasons (for example, moving, change or death of the owner, the appearance of a new pet in the house, etc.). When stressed, the dog not only goes bald, but also looks apathetic or, on the contrary, overexcited, it develops uncharacteristic habits (attempts to eat inedible things, cases of urination or defecation in the wrong places, aggression). Also, when stressed, they refuse to play. Sedatives and reasonable exercise are used as anti-stress therapy;
  2. Allergy(food and non-food nature) - a reaction to cosmetics, dust, food - some of the reasons why a dog’s hair falls out in clumps, a rash appears on the skin and body itching. With allergies, dogs often have problems with stool, they experience lacrimation, and wounds appear on the skin from constant scratching. Allergies in animals are treated by administering antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics (if an infection occurs), anti-inflammatory and wound-healing ointments, but only after identifying the cause of the allergy;
  3. Fungal infections– such diseases include trichophytosis, microsporia, ringworm. With these ailments, dogs' skin becomes inflamed and peels, purulent wounds appear, the hairs become thin and brittle, and sometimes the fur comes out in clumps. Puppies under the age of 1 year are especially susceptible to such ailments. Fungal infections are treated by administering antibacterial and symptomatic drugs, as well as vaccines against the causative agents of these diseases;
  4. Bacterial skin infections– among similar ailments in dogs there are pyoderma, dermatitis, subcutaneous abscesses. In such cases, the skin becomes rough, reddened, papules and ulcers are visible on it, and the dog’s hair falls out in places. Therapy involves administering antibiotics and symptomatic medications to the animal;
  5. Avitaminosis– and especially the lack of vitamins A, B2, B6, B12. If there is a lack of such organic compounds, the dog may develop bald spots on the neck, muzzle, limbs, the condition of the skin worsens, itching appears, the mucous membranes lighten, often. Vitamin deficiencies are treated with a specially selected diet, the introduction of vitamin preparations (for example, tablets “PolidexMultivitum”, “PervinalExel” or special vitamins for dogs for hair loss and against other adverse manifestations of vitamin deficiency “8 in 1 NutricoanScin&Coat”, “CaninaBiotinForte”, etc.);
  6. Adenitis of the sebaceous glands– skin inflammation, which occurs more often in puppies and young dogs. With such problems, the dog loses hair in places (usually in the ear area, on the head and back), and the condition of the skin worsens (greasy deposits, peeling). Unshed hair looks matted and greasy. Adenitis is treated with corticosteroids, antiseptic shampoos, and vitamin preparations;
  7. Acanthosis nigricans– a skin disease caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, in which hyperpigmentation of the skin in the groin and armpits is observed. With this disease, the dermis itself often looks keratinized and rough, and animals suffer from severe itching. Hair usually falls out on the affected areas. Treatment involves the administration of hormonal, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and vitamins;
  8. Ideopathic alopecia in greyhounds– a cosmetic defect that affects young animals of the specified type. Hair falls out only on the hips, and in rare cases, in the abdominal area. The skin does not suffer from such a disease. Treatment is aimed at slowing down hair loss.

What to do if your dog has a lot of hair coming out

So, given: the dog itches and hair falls out. What should the owner do in such a situation? Unfortunately, many owners, instead of going to the veterinarian, prefer to go, at best, to a veterinary pharmacy to buy a bunch of shampoos that improve the condition of the coat, balms, and vitamins. It is not surprising that self-therapy will not only not improve the condition of the coat, but will also progress the disease that caused the alopecia.
If an animal's fur is coming out in clumps, it is important to quickly visit a specialist who will not only examine the dog, but also take skin scrapings, urine and blood tests, and conduct hormonal tests if necessary. Timely medical identification of the causes of hair problems in dogs allows the initiation of correct and effective treatment. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find the right products at home.

Has your pet started losing hair?

Well, if the coat has become thin and there are hairless areas on the body, this is indeed a cause for concern. But there is no need to panic. Hair loss and thinning hair in puppies occurs quite frequently as a result of several reasons. Let's look at the main causes of hair loss in dogs and how to deal with them...

There are two groups of reasons why dogs experience hair loss - hormonal and non-hormonal, that is, not related to dysfunction of the endocrine glands. First, you should pay attention to how your hair falls out. Hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances usually occurs symmetrically. If you observe asymmetrical alopecia in different parts of the dog’s body, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Hormonal diseases accompanied by hair loss in dogs

Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) symmetrical hair loss throughout the body, caused by an excess of the hormone cortisol. Other symptoms include recurrent infections, excessive thirst and urination, and weight gain. The abdomen is slightly enlarged and saggy. In some cases, this condition develops when taking steroid drugs.

Impaired growth hormone production accompanied by bilateral symmetrical hair loss, mainly in males. Begins during puberty and is common in certain breeds, including Chow Chows, Airedales, Boxers, Pomeranians, Poodles, and Dutch Wolf Spitz.

Hyperestrogenism(excess estrogen) occurs in females and males. Against the background of an imbalance of sex hormones, bilateral symmetrical hair loss in the perineum and around the genitals is possible, as well as an enlargement of the vulva, and in males, swelling of the foreskin.

Hypoestrogenism(estrogen deficiency) is observed in adult spayed females and is characterized by a decrease in the rate of hair growth and thinning of the hair, initially around the vulva and then throughout the body. At the same time, the skin becomes smooth and soft (like a baby’s).

Hypothyroidism a condition characterized by a lack of thyroid hormones. A dog suffering from hypothyroidism becomes lethargic, gains weight, is more susceptible to infections, has dry, brittle hair, and develops patches of hair loss. This is the most common cause of bilateral symmetrical hair loss without itching. Hair begins to fall out first in the neck, chest, sides of the body, back, hips and upper tail.

Other diseases and health conditions that lead to hair loss in dogs


Most puppies shed between about 3 and 10 months of age, depending on size, breed and coat type. In some breeds, shedding is very profuse, extreme in comparison with other breeds. For example, Pomeranians are a prime example of this, during the molting period they become "spotty" due to uneven hair loss.

In adult dogs, shedding occurs seasonally, usually twice a year. I don’t think it’s worth saying that regular cleaning and care during the molting period is of great importance.

Females, among other things, can shed during the sexual cycle, as well as after childbirth.

Excessive hair loss in dogs can sometimes occur during periods of extreme stress, such as illness, surgery, or other anxiety-inducing circumstances.

Bathing your puppy too often with irritating products can also cause thinning hair and dry, flaky skin.

Allergies in dogs

Allergies are actually more common among dogs than most pet owners realize. Allergic reactions can develop to various ingredients (or groups of ingredients) in food or treats. It is not uncommon for an allergy to occur to a food that has been well tolerated for some time, but more often develops after the puppy or dog has been given something new or unusual.

Other common allergy triggers in dogs include fleas, seasonal allergens (e.g. pollen, weeds, dust, etc.), and some dogs have “contact allergies,” meaning they react to what they come into contact with. This could be shampoo, topical medications, cleaning products, various materials or fibers, and so on. Regardless of what causes the allergy, the reaction is usually considered a skin disease by the owner. Hair loss, bald spots, excessive licking or scratching (especially on the belly, legs, tail or face), or rash may be due to an allergic reaction.

Acanthosis nigricans mainly seen in dachshunds. Hair loss begins in the dog's armpits, folds and ears. These areas turn black, feel greasy, and have an unpleasant odor.

Yeast infections- A fairly common cause of hair loss in puppies. It mainly affects areas of the body with high skin moisture (armpits, behind the ears, in skin folds). Dogs with a lot of “wrinkles”, such as English bulldogs, sharpeis, etc., are most susceptible to the disease. In addition to hair loss, the skin becomes oily to the touch and has an unpleasant odor.

Color mutation alopecia(Blue Doberman syndrome) is characterized by hair loss all over the body (appears as if the fur is moth-eaten). Papules and pustules may form in the area of ​​hair loss. The disease is recorded not only in Dobermans, but also in other breeds.

Some breeds, such as Shar Pei and Bull Terrier, are more susceptible to demodicosis, especially if their immune system is weakened.

Hair loss begins around the eyelids, lips and corners of the mouth, sometimes on the legs or torso. The size of hairless areas ranges from a small spot to a circle with a diameter of 2.5 cm. Typically, many of these small lesions increase in size and merge into a large alopecia. A possible complication of pyoderma. The generalized form of demodicosis is usually a consequence of immunodeficiency.

Dogs with sarcoptic mange experience severe itching and discomfort. Hair loss can be quite extensive as a result of scratching.

Solar dermatitis(collie nose) causes hair loss at the border of the nose and muzzle and can lead to serious ulcers. Dogs with unpigmented or poorly pigmented nasal skin are affected. The disease may develop as a result of autoimmune problems.

Compressed callus– grey, hairless, thickened, wrinkled skin, usually around the elbow joints of the extremities, but similar areas may be located at other pressure points. The reason for such formations is that the dog lies on a hard surface for a long time. These skin lesions are most noticeable in large breeds.

Ringworm fungal infection. Scaly, crusty, rounded areas ranging from 12 to 50 mm in diameter. In the central part of such formations, complete hair loss is observed with a red ring on the periphery.

Adenitis of the sebaceous glands It is observed mainly in poodles, but is sometimes recorded in other breeds. The disease is characterized by symmetrical hair loss on the face, head, neck and back. It is possible to develop an infection of the hair follicles.

Seborrhea– dandruff of varying severity (dry type, wet, complicated). It may develop as a secondary disease.

Vitiligo: Hair loss due to loss of skin pigment. These areas are most noticeable on the face and head. Most often observed in Rottweilers and Belgian terriers.

Zinc deficiency causes the skin to become hard, scaly, and hairless, especially on the face, nose, elbows and hocks. Possible cracking of the crumb on the paws. Arctic and northern dog breeds are most sensitive to zinc deficiency.

So, if your pet's hair loss bothers you and you're sure it's not just shedding, it's best to consult a veterinarian. Any disease, even allergies, must be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible. This is always better for the dog and cheaper for you than being guided by the principle of “wait and see, maybe it will go away on its own.”

Health to you and your pets!
Ph.D. A.G. Klyuchnikov

    Rita Rita: Problems with the fur of your beloved pet can also arise due to worms, this happened to my pets. The problem was overcome with Drontal Plus, since then I have been following preventive measures and regularly visiting the veterinarian.

    Olka Razumovskaya: Thanks for the information, I’ll take it into account. My shaggy hair started to fall out due to worms. He started riding on his butt and lost his appetite. Then I used Drontal Plus to get rid of the worms for him. These tablets have already been tested by more than one dog - they always cope with worms. So we got rid of the worms and the dog stopped crawling, his appetite returned and he stopped riding on his butt.

    Alla: Good afternoon. My boy, a German Shepherd, has crumbs that have flowed and become like a comb; on 1 paw the top layer of the crumb has cracked and is peeling off. Also, pink spots appeared on the lips, which grew larger as I changed clothes, then disappeared and appeared again. Help, what should I do? What could this be from? What treatment is needed? Help, I don’t know what to do. Veterinarians, in the country in which we now live, shrug their shoulders.

    Marina Smolyakova: Good afternoon. My puppy is a 2 month old German Spitz, there is a small bald spot on his face where his nose is, between the eyes, what could it be?

    Elena Opekun: Hello, I have a similar problem, my Spitz (2.5 months old) has a receding hairline on his face, tell me what it is!

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Wool is an animal's natural protective covering, which protects the dog from cold, rain, sunlight and other unfavorable phenomena. In addition, wool is a kind of mirror of the health of your pet’s body: if it is shiny and healthy, you can be sure that your four-legged friend is in excellent health.

If a dog's hair becomes dull, loses its elasticity and healthy shine, then something is wrong with it: deterioration in the condition of the coat may be accompanied by changes in behavior - the dog becomes restless or lethargic, and loses its appetite. If you notice that your pet can no longer boast of such fur as before, you need to determine the cause of the deterioration. There may be several options:

Wrong diet

It is possible that your dog’s diet does not contain enough mineral salts and B vitamins, due to which the hair follicles begin to break down. Even the most complete dry food cannot provide your pet with enough nutrients, so it is worth diversifying and reviewing the diet. For example, if there is a lack of vitamin B, the hair falls out and the skin peels; if there is a lack of copper, natural pigmentation is disrupted; if there is not enough vitamin A, the coat becomes dull and the dog’s skin becomes oily.

Try to always have vitamins in your four-legged friend’s diet; however, you shouldn’t oversaturate your food with them either, since an excess is no less destructive than a deficiency. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in different oils, are useful: give 2 teaspoons of olive or flaxseed oil regularly - and very soon you will notice positive dynamics.

Pay attention to the quality of the meat you offer your pet - it contains taurine, an amino acid that promotes the digestion and absorption of fats. Its deficiency can often affect the health of the coat. Do not feed your dog excessively fatty foods - lean beef, lamb or chicken are best. Regularly add vitamins and microelements to the diet - and then your pet will be healthy and cheerful.

Also, broken hair and reddish spots may be the first sign of ringworm; the causative agent of this disease is microspores. Since this disease is contagious and unsafe for humans, at the first suspicion of lichen it is worth visiting a veterinary clinic. There the pet will be prescribed a course of antibiotics and vaccination.

Other causes of hair loss in dogs

Less common reasons for a dog to have hair coming out are all sorts of allergies. As a rule, allergic reactions to natural ingredients are rare, but dry food is not suitable for all animals. Hair may also fall out if antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives are used.

If your dog has had a serious illness, this could lead to a decrease in immunity, so he may have hair growing all over his body. You also need to regularly deworm your dog and support its immunity with the help of immunostimulants.

Dog grooming

A dog may suffer because a person has no idea how to care for its coat. The use of human shampoos and conditioners is unacceptable - they can cause deterioration in the condition of the coat. To keep your dog's skin from becoming dry and dandruff-free, it is recommended to wash your pet with lukewarm water. Brush your dog regularly; you need to bathe your pet depending on the length of its fur: if the dog has long hair, it needs a full bath once a month. Wire-haired dogs can be bathed less frequently; smooth-haired dogs can simply be thoroughly cleaned with chamois and a damp cloth.

Dry brushing is also mandatory: do not forget to comb the long coat, starting from the head and ending with the limbs. After this, wipe the wool with a soft flannel or suede cloth. A brush will remove loose hairs and dandruff, and a soft cloth can collect dust. Smooth-haired animals are cleaned with a rubber brush; they need to be bathed only if they are very dirty. Get your pet used to brushing gradually, and over time it will become a habit. Do not overuse bathing, as you can wash away the fatty substances that nourish the skin - and as a result, your pet's coat will deteriorate and the hair will become more brittle and thin. You cannot bathe dogs kept in the yard in the winter; they are cleaned with brushes and dry snow.

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