Why doesn't the cat go to the litter box? Why do cats stop going to the litter box? The Brit doesn't go to the litter box

The situation when a cat does not go to the toilet for a long time is quite common. There can be many reasons for such a deviation - from the most harmless to the very serious. Owners should remember that a healthy cat defecates approximately once every 1-2 days. In older animals, the period between bowel movements can stretch up to three days, but small kittens usually poop several times a day.

The frequency of trips to the toilet largely depends on the characteristics of the pet’s diet. However, if 3 or more days or even a whole week have passed since the last visit to the tray, you should be wary. Constipation may indicate serious health problems. It is imperative to find out the cause of the deviation and help the cat.

Why doesn't my little kitten poop?

Kittens that are still under the “wing” of their mother are completely dependent on her in this delicate matter. Babies under one month old can poop normally only after the cat massages their tummy.

If such a baby does not go to the toilet for a long time, it means that the mother is not coping well with her responsibilities. This often happens to young, inexperienced cats “raising” their first litter. Causes of constipation in older kittens may include::

  • severe stress due to weaning from mother and moving to a new place of residence;
  • a sharp transition to a new type of diet (from milk to solid food);
  • unsuitable food;
  • congenital intestinal pathologies.

If quite a lot of time has passed since moving to a new home, and the baby still hasn’t gone to the toilet, and adjusting the diet does not help, most likely, the last of the listed points is occurring. The kitten should definitely be shown to a veterinarian. Serious treatment may be required, including surgery.

Reasons for the absence of stool in an adult cat

There are even more reasons for toilet problems in an adult cat. The most common:

  1. An unbalanced diet that is low in fiber and protein. An abundance of too solid foods (for example, bones) or a lack of fluid can also trigger the problem. Do not overfeed your animal with chicken meat. It can cause constipation.
  2. Accumulation of hair in the stomach and intestines. An extremely common reason why cats rarely go to the toilet at all. It is especially relevant for long-haired breeds. Hard lumps of fluff in the cat’s internal organs interfere not only with the passage of feces, but also with their formation. This is a serious problem that can even be life threatening.
  3. Old age, when gastrointestinal motility is slow. The intestines are not able to expel feces normally, and the cat stops going to the toilet normally.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle. Often characteristic of sterilized cats. It causes not only toilet problems, but also obesity and other health problems.
  5. The period of sexual arousal in males and estrus in females. When an animal wants to “walk”, all its “thoughts” are only about this. At this time, the cat has no time to sleep or eat. Thus, he simply has nothing to poop with.
  6. Previous operations with anesthesia. After anesthesia, the cat may not go to the toilet for several days. This is explained by the stress that the animal’s body has endured. It takes time for your pet to recover. As soon as all processes are restored, the toilet will also return to normal.
  7. Using a catheter. Sometimes, before surgery, it is used to clean the animal's intestines. It is quite natural that after catheterization the cat does not go to the toilet longer than usual. It’s just that feces have not yet had time to accumulate in the intestines, which have been emptied to the point of sterility.
  8. Stress due to moving, guests coming to the house and other events. Cats are big conservatives, and they perceive any changes very painfully.
  9. Postpartum period in females. The absence of stool during it is explained by the fact that, in preparation for childbirth, the cat went to the toilet more often than usual, and she still has nothing to poop with. Usually, stool returns to normal a few days after the addition to the family.
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, this is also a possible reason. These can be pathologies such as intestinal obstruction, malignant or benign tumors, adhesions, ulcers, gastritis, etc.

It is not always possible to determine the cause of toilet problems on your own. If there is even the slightest suspicion of health problems, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian. Without professional diagnostics, it will not be possible to identify the disease and cure your pet.

How to help a cat yourself

Fortunately, much more often a cat does not go to the litter box for a long time for reasons not related to illness. What to do in this case? How to help an animal? It all depends on the situation. Sometimes you just have to wait. For example, if the cat “forgot” about the litter box due to severe stress. As soon as the frightened animal “crawls out from under the sofa” and comes to its senses, the “toilet” problem will be solved by itself.

The same applies to the postpartum period in cats. Here you can try to speed up recovery by offering your pet liquid meals. If the reason for the long absence of bowel movements is sexual arousal, you can also just wait it out, or you can help the animal by giving him libido-reducing pills or finding a “mate.” The last option will work, but not for long. The best solution and guarantee of getting rid of pain is sterilization.

If there is a suspicion of accumulation of hair in the gastrointestinal tract, cats are given a little Vaseline oil. Of course, the animal is unlikely to eat it of its own free will. However, you should try to pour a small amount of the product into its mouth, holding it with your hands so that the pet swallows the oil. Literally a day later, the pet will feel the urge to defecate and visit the litter box.

If a cat does not go to the toilet for 5 days, and no serious health problems have been identified, then constipation is a situational phenomenon. It can cause serious damage to the body, so you should not pull it. It is allowed to give the cat a laxative such as Duphalac or do a cleansing enema.

It is advisable to consult a doctor regarding both the first and the second. Most often, the cause of constipation is errors in the diet. What and how to feed your cat so that it goes to the toilet normally is described below.

"Anti-constipation" menu

When a cat does not go to the toilet well, its diet is reviewed first. Here you should take into account the recommendations of experts:

  • You should not feed your pet from your table. Not all human food is suitable for a cat. It’s better to choose the right food, and indulge him with treats in the form of fish or a piece of meat only periodically.
  • The cat must eat. In no case should you starve her, even for educational purposes. The minimum number of meals per day for an adult animal is two.
  • Eggs, chicken, meat broths, rice are contraindicated for constipation.
  • You should periodically add boiled vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage) to your cat’s usual food. Fiber improves intestinal motility and reduces the time between trips to the toilet.
  • Condensed milk, diluted with water in a one-to-one ratio, is a good remedy for persistent constipation.
  • The diet of a cat that has problems with defecation should include less dry food and more liquid food. Ideal for constipation are kefir, milk, and yoghurts with beneficial bacteria.
  • Raw liver can provoke a trip to the toilet. It can be given to a cat in limited quantities.
  • A bowl of clean water should always be on the cat’s “table”.

To avoid constipation, you should always adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. In addition, take other preventive measures. Thus, long-haired cats need to be brushed regularly so that fallen fibers do not migrate into the stomach when the cat carries out hygiene procedures. It won't hurt to periodically give these beauties a little Vaseline oil.

Particular attention should be paid to neutered pets. After sterilization, cats tend to become lazy and inactive. This leads to stagnant processes in the body. In order for your pet to go to the toilet on time, you need to stimulate her physical activity: play with her, make her run, jump, etc.

If the problem has already made itself felt and you cannot cope with it on your own within a few days, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian. The sooner this is done, the better. Timely assistance from a specialist will relieve the animal of unnecessary suffering and minimize health risks.

Not every cat owner will find out why the cat does not go to the litter box, but will simply put it out the door. This is understandable - you can put up with a pungent smell and puddles only if you have great love for your pet and a desire to rehabilitate it.

Main reasons

As a rule, a kitten purchased from a breeder is trained to use the litter box by its mother.. The skill is reinforced and remains unchanged if the animal is in good health, both mental and physiological. The reasons for sudden deviation from the norm should also be sought in these two areas.

First time in a new house

The most difficult thing is with a cat picked up on the street, since he is basically unfamiliar with a stationary toilet. In this case, it will take a lot of patience and attention to promptly pick up and transfer to the litter box a kitten that is showing typical signs of anxiety before urination/defecation.

Important! The situation is complicated by stress (moving to a new home) and can drag on for a week. If the cat managed to wander by, orient it by soaking a napkin in the urine and putting it in the tray.

It’s a little easier in this regard with a purebred, already trained cat, but the tray will need to be shown to him too.

Wrong tray

What your cat doesn’t like about the toilet, she will decide for herself.

Among the parameters that cause rejection may be the following:

  • tray dimensions;
  • its depth;
  • width of sides;
  • closedness/openness;
  • smell of plastic;
  • color.

You should especially not rush when replacing the tray: do not throw away the old one until you are sure that the cat enjoys going to the new one.

Unsuitable filler

Several options are possible here too. Sometimes rejection is caused by the fragrance with which the fillers are impregnated (you may like the aroma, but not your pet). It is possible that the cat is being capricious due to the texture of the granules or their insufficient density: the animal will not relieve itself in something that sticks to its paws.

Sometimes tastes transform immediately after a change of home - for example, a cat refuses to go to the usual wood filler, but becomes exemplary when the owner

Inappropriate location for the tray

You may have placed the container poorly by choosing a place that is too open, walk-through, or brightly lit. Of course, not all cats are shy, but some cats shy away from prying eyes, preferring privacy and relative darkness.

Important! In country mansions, it is better to place several containers on different floors and around the perimeter so that the pet has time to carry its excrement to the target.

If your cat knows where his litter box is, but for some reason misses the point of relieving himself nearby, try moving the litter box to find the optimal position.

Problems of the genitourinary system

If you suspect there is a health problem causing your pet to urinate past the litter box, take him to the clinic.

The animal may well have one of the following abnormalities:

  • atony– pathological/age-related disorder accompanied by bladder atrophy. The latter turns into a flabby sac, filled to capacity, from where urine comes out only under pressure;
  • – the animal wants, but cannot, go to the toilet due to stones/sand that have blocked the ureters or caused inflammation of the kidneys;
  • urinary incontinence– often develops as a complication after sterilization or spinal injuries, as well as in renal pathologies (acute/chronic). Incontinence is detected by wet marks where the pet sleeps and sits;
  • – an animal, experiencing pain (as with urinary tract disease), wants, but cannot, urinate. Urine (often mixed with blood) comes out only when the bladder is full.

In reality, there may be many more reasons for deviant behavior, but a doctor must understand them.

Stress in an animal

Cats, despite their ostentatious equanimity and fearlessness, have a subtle mental organization and are capable of getting nervous for various, even insignificant (in human opinion) reasons. Unexpected events, people (friends and strangers), as well as domestic animals become catalysts for stress. It could be:

  • change of place of residence (moving);
  • the appearance of a baby/another animal in the family;
  • renovation with noise and strong odors;
  • going to a cat show or clinic;
  • the presence of strangers in the apartment;
  • intraspecific aggression (establishment of hierarchy when a second cat appears).

This is not a complete list of factors that lead to increased anxiety, resentment, or revenge in your cat. She is unable to complain, so she resorts to an accessible non-verbal means of expressing her anger - shitting past the tray.

In this case, swearing will only do harm - first try to provide peace of mind by removing (if possible) the source of stress. If this is not possible, try to create the illusion of control over what is happening: for example, arrange a cat house/bed on some hill. Being above your heads, the cat will feel like the ruler of the world, and all his fears will disappear by themselves.

Gender marks

They appear, logically, at the time of puberty: the cat raises its tail, spraying a caustic secretion throughout the house and not forgetting the strategically important area near the entrance. In just a couple of days you will get tired of scrubbing corners/floors, cleaning furniture and washing things. Flavorings are also not a solution: most of them mask the aroma of urea for a short time.

A considerable part of owners decide to eradicate the sexual instinct of their charges with the help of heavy artillery (hormonal drugs), without particularly thinking about their danger to the body. It has long been proven that hormonal injections and pills significantly increase the risk of cancer abnormalities. A radical way to get rid of sex marks is to remove the reproductive organs, which, however, is not indicated for all animals.

This is interesting! Breeding or old (after 7 years) cats, as well as those who cannot tolerate general anesthesia or have a heart condition, are exempt from the operation.

Remove odor in marked areas

The list of prohibited odor control products includes those that contain chlorine (due to its high toxicity) and ammonia. Take advantage of powerful oxidizing agents, such as:

  • vinegar (only in aqueous solution);
  • potassium permanganate (often used in urology);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon juice;
  • iodine (10-20 drops per 1 liter of water).

Common antibacterial liquids, including tea leaves, alcohol, soda solution (concentrated), vodka and mouthwash, can help remove fresh cat urine stains. In addition, glycerin, which is included in laundry soap, breaks down uric acid crystals quite well.

Now effective flavoring agents (with enzymes) have appeared on the market, not only neutralizing odor, but also destroying uric salt crystals.

We especially note the following foreign drugs:

  • “Just for cats Stain&Odor Remover” (Nature’s Miracle);
  • "Urine Off";
  • "Odor Kill & Stain Remover" (ATX);
  • "Pet Stain&Odor Remover" (Hartz);
  • "Complete Pet Stain&Odor Remover" from 8 in1.

All products are of high quality and are recommended even for leather surfaces. The only thing you need to remember is that the skin cannot be wetted excessively, which is why it is processed in stages. Among domestic drugs, “Bio-G”, “DezoSan” and “Zoosan”, containing special enzymes, are popular.

It is sometimes necessary to retrain a cat after prolonged treatment, especially if going to the toilet (during illness) was accompanied by noticeable pain. The animal has developed a reflex to ignore the tray, so you must do the following:

  • change container;
  • change the type of filler;
  • help adapt to the new tray.

You will have to act in the same way as with a kitten, condescendingly and patiently. Remember to talk to your cat and reward him for his progress in learning his new litter box.

A pet is trained to use a tray as soon as it appears in the house. This usually doesn't cause problems. But there are times when a pet, who has been using the litter box for a long time, suddenly refuses to use it. Constant cleaning, washing floors, cleaning carpets and furniture, and unpleasant odors bring a lot of negative emotions to the owners, so it is important to find out the reason for this behavior. Many factors can influence changes in your pet's habits, most of which do not manifest themselves outwardly.

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    The cat ignores the litter box: behavioral and psychological reasons

    If a pet has been regularly visiting the litter box for a long time to relieve itself, and then abruptly refuses to use it, the reason must be compelling. A cat will not change its habits just like that. The pet will not go to the toilet in the wrong places out of jealousy, resentment, revenge, laziness or memory problems. Although this is exactly what many animal owners think when faced with this problem.

    These factors have nothing to do with the actual reason for changing the toilet location, so punishing the animal will not help correct the situation. Most likely, they will aggravate it even more, as the pet will experience severe stress. But there are many other details that are of great importance for a cat in choosing a place for a toilet. An insignificant trifle for an adult turns out to be an extremely serious reason for a kitten.

    Ambiance and smell

    The animal needs a secluded place where it can calmly relieve itself. The tray should be placed so that the cat always has access to it, but not in a walk-through area. Various noises, the presence of people or simply an inconvenient location create this problem. If your pet has been regularly using its litter box for a long time, but suddenly stops, there is a chance that something scared it at the most inopportune time.

    Smell is extremely important for a pet; the litter box may seem too dirty to the cat, which will not allow a clean animal to use it. It is necessary to clean the cat litter regularly, but do not use products with a strong odor. The pronounced chemical smell scares the animal away, which is often the reason for abandoning the tray.

    Cleaning the toilet itself and the area around it should be done with neutral means so as not to irritate the animal.

    Choosing a tray for your pet

    The tray must be suitable for the animal in size and height of the sides. It often happens that as a pet ages, it needs to be replaced with a larger one. This happens due to the cat's weight gain; he may simply be uncomfortable in a tray that is too small. The height of the sides is also important, especially if the animal is quite mature. Joint problems or other illnesses can make it difficult for the cat to move; it is simply not convenient for the cat to constantly climb over high edges, so she refuses the litter box altogether.

    Changing the toilet for an animal is not always a good idea; some cats refuse to accept another litter box. If behavioral problems began after purchasing a new toilet, then to solve them it is enough to return the old one to its place. If this is not possible, you must purchase the same one. The animal may not like the presence of the grill; in most cases it is removed.

    A pet does not always accept the smell of a new toilet, especially if it is made of low-quality plastic. When choosing a tray, you need to pay attention to its quality; cheap products often have a strong chemical smell. Some cats prefer closed litter boxes, but often refuse to use them because of the door. This problem can be solved by removing the door to make it more comfortable for the animal.

    Cat litter

    For convenience and cleanliness in the house, most owners of four-legged pets use cat litter for the toilet. They come in different types, and not each of them will appeal to a particular animal. If the problem with visiting the litter box occurs after changing the litter, then it is worth purchasing the option that is familiar to the cat. If no changes occur, then you can try another toilet filler as an experiment.

    The size of the pellets may not be suitable for the kitten. An option that is too large for a small pet is unacceptable; it can cause damage to the paw pads and discomfort. Some cats categorically refuse litter in the form of small pebbles. In addition, he may not cope with his task.

    If absorption is poor and odor is insufficiently eliminated, the pet will not use the toilet a second time, even if the tray is externally clean.

    Stress, competition with other animals

    Often the culprit is simple stress. This can happen due to a move, a visit to the veterinarian, loud noise, the arrival of a new family member or animal, a change in environment, and many other factors. When a problem occurs, it is necessary to analyze all events over the previous 2-3 months. For a long time, a cat is able to cope with psychological trauma, but not always with good results.

    Having several cats in the house causes them to compete with each other. Rarely do such pets agree to share a litter box, which causes unpleasant behavior in one or more cats in the house. Each pet needs its own tray, and it is best to have one spare. Not all cat owners take this into account, so animals periodically relieve themselves in inappropriate places. Sometimes a pet chooses a certain item and instead of a tray uses a sink, cabinet, bathtub and other containers in the accessible area.

    If there is a problem with visiting the litter box, you need to monitor the kitten. How he behaves before using the toilet, whether he immediately goes to the wrong place or initially shows interest in the litter box. It is worth noting all the details, whether the animal is trying to dig, is feeling restless, sniffing, choosing certain places, or is it happening chaotically, etc. Frequency is also of great importance: the cat uses the tray at least sometimes or does not approach it at all. This data can help determine the cause of trouble and even indicate problems in the animal's health.

    Medical factors

    A pet may refuse to use a litter box due to various diseases. If the kitten experiences pain when trying to urinate or defecate, then the litter box will subsequently be associated with them. Therefore, the animal stops visiting a specially designated place and looks for another suitable space. With some illnesses, the pet simply does not have time to get to the tray in time. Any illness in an animal causes severe stress, which directly affects its behavior.

    Puberty in a cat often brings a lot of inconvenience and worries to its owner. At this time, the animal marks its territory, and the strong smell of urine adds a special secretion. You can determine that this is the problem by the cat’s behavior. Usually during the heat stage she is restless, and only puddles appear in the wrong places.

    You cannot punish an animal, as it gives in to its instincts. The pet simply will not understand why he was scolded.

    The cat does not go to the litter box in a small way

    Such a change in the pet’s behavior indicates not only the animal’s puberty. An adult cat refuses its usual activities due to some illness. This behavioral feature covers a large number of ailments, but most often the following are diagnosed in pets:

    1. 1. Urinary incontinence occurs after cat sterilization surgery; this is a complication that requires specialist intervention. It also appears as a result of spinal injury, severe inflammatory processes, pathologies and chronic kidney diseases. It is easy to determine the disease by wet marks in places where the cat slept, sat, ate or played.
    2. 2. Cystitis is common in cats; with such inflammation, the pet feels severe pain every time it tries to pass. The inflammatory process is accompanied by a constant urge to urinate, which does not bring success. When the bladder is full, the animal expels urine with difficulty and pain, and sometimes blood is found in it. When sick, a pet often tries to go to the toilet, but leaves a clean place or small puddles.
    3. 3. Atony is a pathology or age-related phenomenon that is accompanied by atrophy of bladder tissue. The disease is characterized by the fact that the pet does not feel the urge to urinate, and when the bladder is completely filled, the contents come out under naturally created pressure. Puddles can be of varying volumes, and appear in places where the cat spends time or on the way to the litter box.
    4. 4. Urolithiasis in cats is quite common; the symptoms are similar to cystitis. The cause is sand or kidney stones that block the ureters, thereby causing inflammation of the kidneys. Occurs most often due to infection or improper diet (large amount of fish and meat in it).

    Suspicions about the presence of a disease in a cat should be checked at a veterinary clinic. Such diseases must be treated as early as possible to prevent complications from developing. The animal is in pain and severe stress, so any punishment from the owner can make the situation even worse.

    The lack of dedicated animal clinics can make diagnosis difficult. A routine urine test reveals the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary system, with increased protein in the indicators. But only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, since every disease requires the correct selection of medications.

    The pet does not go to the litter box in a big way

    This animal behavior may be associated with certain diseases. Problems in a kitten’s health can be congenital, but do not appear immediately, or acquired. The functioning of the intestines depends on the general state of health and its nutrition. Cats have problems visiting the litter box for “big” things for various reasons, most often you may encounter the following:

    1. 1. Diarrhea is accompanied by an unexpected and strong urge to defecate. The cat does not control this process, so it often does not have time to get to the litter box. The cause is usually diet, medications (mostly antibiotics), severe stress, poisoning and other similar factors.
    2. 2. Vomiting, especially if it appears in combination with diarrhea, leads to partial bowel movements in the wrong places.
    3. 3. Constipation prevents the cat from going to the toilet for a long time, which sometimes leads to a decision to change the place to try. It is quite easy to notice an illness in a domestic cat; you do not have to remove its waste for a long time. A stressful environment, an unbalanced diet and various problems in the intestines can lead to such a problem.
    4. 4. Blocked anal glands are characterized by frequent urge to defecate and itching. The pet tries to scratch the anus, usually choosing carpeting and upholstered furniture for this. After such manipulations, traces of feces remain. If a cat rides on its back passage, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian; the problem can be solved in a timely manner by cleaning the glands in the clinic.
    5. 5. Inflammation of the anal glands is a more advanced stage after they are blocked. Added to the symptoms is pain, which is greatly aggravated when attempting to defecate. When you try to scratch the anus, its tissue becomes infected, which worsens the situation.

    Many other factors can affect a cat's behavior. Some pets decide at some point to separate areas for natural processes. The pet goes to the litter box, but only in small ways, the rest is done in other places. Or the cat goes into the litter box exclusively in a big way, and makes puddles in any other place it likes.

    If this behavior of the cat is not motivated by anything, and there are no health problems, then you need to purchase a second tray. If he settles the pet, then the problem should resolve itself. Understanding an animal is not so easy, so good observation and specialist advice are necessary to determine the cause. It is impossible to solve the situation with punishment, let alone physical force, and it is quite easy to aggravate it.

    What to do if your cat avoids the litter box

    If an adult cat refuses to go to the toilet in a certain place, it is not so easy to retrain her to do so. The exact reason for the behavior will help to correct it, but it is not always possible to establish it immediately. In such a situation, it is better to act sequentially, using different methods alternately:

    1. 1. During the period of sexual heat, hormonal agents are often used to help the cat calm down faster. But most of these drugs are harmful to the pet’s health, so they are used extremely rarely. It is best to sterilize an animal if it has no breeding value. When this opportunity is absent, the owner can only wait until the situation is resolved on its own. It is worth noting that thoroughly cleaning the cat’s marks provokes him to even greater efforts. It is absolutely forbidden to scold a pet; he will not understand the reason for such an attitude. Sterilization has contraindications, the presence of heart failure, acute reaction to anesthesia and age in the range from 7 months to 8 years are good reasons to refuse surgery.
    2. 2. When a cat develops a conditioned reflex of avoiding the litter box (due to illness, etc.), it is necessary to teach it to the toilet again, like a kitten. You need to change the tray itself, the filler, its location, possibly several times. Sometimes one change is enough, in other cases you will have to go through all the options, it depends on the situation and the animal itself. The owner needs a reserve of patience, since it is necessary to create a calm environment in the house and treat the pet with care and affection. Sometimes a closed tray solves the problem; the animal feels safe in it. It must be positioned correctly, in a secluded place, but the exit from the tray should be directed towards an open space, and not into a corner.
    3. 3. If you have health problems, you must initially solve them directly. Prescription of drugs should be made by a veterinarian based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the animal. After treatment, the animal needs peace and care. After the disease is eliminated, the cat will have to be toilet trained again if it does not dare to go to the old litter box.
    4. 4. If you can’t guess your pet’s preferences, place several trays of different sizes, side heights and with different types of fillers. From time to time you can swap them around and rearrange them. In such a situation, the cat chooses the most suitable option for it.
    5. 5. When your pet goes to the toilet in the same place, placing the tray there will solve the problem. If this method does not help, it is likely that the cat does not like the litter box itself or its litter.
    6. 6. To wean a kitten from inappropriate places, you need to carefully rid them of the smell. To do this, you can use scented cleaning products or special sprays that absorb unpleasant odors. It is better to apply them on a damp surface, so the aroma will last longer.
    7. 7. It is necessary to monitor the cat and at the first sign put it in the tray. Usually the animal begins to behave restlessly, meowing or digging an imaginary hole.
    8. 8. If the problem is psychological and serious, then the animal will not immediately be able to overcome its fears. Every little progress should be encouraged so that the pet feels protected and affectionate.
    9. 9. It is best to express your dissatisfaction with intonation; physical force should not be used. This can only make the cat's behavior worse. It makes sense to scold only during the process itself, directly when the pet walks past the tray. At other times, the cat will not understand why the owner is so angry and will simply experience fear.
    10. 10. If problems began due to stress, an appropriate environment will help to cope with it. It is recommended to give your cat special food Royal Canin Colm, it neutralizes anxiety. Use Kot Bayun, Fitex or Stop Stress. The specialist may recommend other medications depending on the situation.
    11. 11. Places where the cat likes to go to the toilet should be protected from it as much as possible. Place large furniture on them, regularly treat them with sprays, and cover them with rustling paper or film.
    12. 12. The animal's tray must be kept clean, as well as the entire area around it. The smell of the products should be neutral so as not to scare away the kitten.
    13. 13. It is necessary to ensure proper and balanced nutrition. Diet is of great importance in the functioning of a pet’s body, and a lack of any substances leads to ailments and diseases.
    14. 14. The cat should be provided with a calm environment and a place where it will feel safe. A special closed house will allow the animal to rest peacefully, which is very important in the fight against stress.

Do you know what answer you will hear from most owners? “On purpose. Out of spite. Out of harm,” they will tell you. And they will be wrong. A cat does not know how to take revenge; it does not at all want to consciously cause you unpleasant moments. She has her own reasons, and they are worth listening to.

Where can a cat shit instead of a litter tray?

On the floor, why?

We'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, believe me - seeing cat excrement next to the litter box is far from the worst option.

Your pet can choose a secluded corner for its business, for example, under the bathtub or behind a chair. And you will have to look for the source of the unpleasant odor for some time.

The appearance of new smells can entice a cat

Some cats prefer to make a toilet in the closet, on the owners’ things, or in the hallway they will shit on their favorite slippers or shoes. The pinnacle of “meanness” would seem to you to be the cat’s habit of sitting on a stack of clean, freshly ironed linen and raising its tail. What would you do with a cat that jumps on the TV and defecates on the newspaper with the program lying there?

Truly, a cat's imagination is limitless! But one thing is clear - you have a problem. To solve it, you need to answer two questions. Why does the cat do this? How can I wean him off this?

Tray as the main reason

The tray may be cramped. Or the cat may reject the litter

One of the most common causes of inappropriate animal behavior is the litter box.

  1. He can be too small or tight , and the animal feels uncomfortable when it sits down to relieve itself. Perhaps the cat doesn't like the litter. If you always bought one type of it, and then brought home another one, the cat may refuse to use it.
  2. A clean cat will also not sit in the tray if it is dirty. But there is another side to the coin. If you yourself are a champion of cleanliness and wash your cat's litter box with, say, bleach, its pungent smell will scare away your pet.
  3. Another option is that the tray is installed in the wrong place. “Not a toilet, but a passageway,” - the cat, of course, will not be able to formulate this thought, but will go to look for a more secluded place. And you will clean up after her.

Maybe these are marks?

Most likely, the instincts of an adult cat are registered in memory. Even after castration, the cat can continue to mark, only with urine.

If everything is fine with the litter box, take a closer look at your cat. Maybe he's not pooping, but marking his territory. This happens when a male cat is in heat. Cats are overly affectionate, crave attention, meow as if calling someone, raise their tail, arch their back. Cats are excited and playful. Animals mark territory even if several animals live in an apartment, and each one fights for leadership. But the smell is unpleasant, to be sure.

Severe stress

The cat is stressed

A cat may change its habits and walk past the litter box while under severe stress.

A noisy feast, renovations in the apartment, the appearance of a baby at the owner's house - and a disoriented animal will arrange a toilet for itself in the first place that seems suitable to it.

Cat disease

Vet help may be needed

A more serious cause of untidiness is illness. This may be the last thing that comes to your mind.

Take a closer look at the stool. Their unusual character is hard stool, urine and- will be a reason to visit the veterinarian. An additional clue will be the behavior of the animal: you will notice that he is not at ease.

Finally, a bored kitty may simply be looking for contact with you. If the punishment is limited to shouts like: “Ugly cat! Now I want you!” - the pet is able to regard this as a game: it hides or runs away, and you search or catch up. So much for the owner's attention.

How to train a cat not to shit on the floor, but only in the litter box

The cat shit on the floor. It's disgusting, but we need to do something about it

But still - what to do if the cat regularly? It is best to prevent the problem from occurring. From the very minute you bring a small kitten or an adult cat into your home, don’t take your eyes off him while he gets used to his new place. As soon as the animal begins to get restless and sniff the floor, follow it.

If he sits in a corner, this means that this is where the tray should be placed. The cat itself showed you the most suitable place.

If you missed this moment, place a piece of newspaper in the cat's puddle, and then transfer it to the tray. The animal will understand where to defecate. And yet be be especially careful at first. It will be much more difficult to wean your cat off the bad habit.

Diaper and cat

In the case when the animal is actively marking its territory, and you do not plan to let the cat breed, sterilize your pet. As a last resort, owners of elite individuals put diapers on them during the period of sexual hunting. They say it helps.

We use special preparations

After you have cleaned up after your cat, you need to treat the area. Garlic pieces are perfect!

After cleaning, lubricate the place where the cat has taken to defecating with some product with a strong smell. Special medications are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Some owners rub the floor with pieces of garlic, others use ammonia.

The cat litter box can only be washed with plain water. The use of cleaning products is not recommended.

And here tray, on the contrary - never wash with aromatic substances. Make sure to change the contents on time, no matter what serves as cat litter: special litter, sand or just newspaper.

If your animal develops alarming symptoms, your veterinarian will help you. In the process of treatment, you will defeat not only the disease, but also the unpleasant habit.


And, of course, spend enough time with your pet. Young cats love to play. If you don’t have special toys, a rag or paper bow tied to a string is perfect. Talk to the animal, communicate, let it see you as a beloved owner who needs to be respected and obeyed.

Attention and patience - only with their help it is possible to raise a cat that brings joy to its owners. Let your pet give you only happy moments.

Hygiene in the home is the first thing a pet is taught to do. “Toilet” places are mastered by the cat without problems and very quickly. Skills are retained throughout life. Even when moving to a new permanent or temporary place of residence, an adult animal can easily find the right place for the toilet. But there are exceptions: a neat animal suddenly “forgets” about the location of the litter tray.

You can find out why the cat does not go to the litter box and whether there is a way to correct the situation after analyzing the situation. It is important for the owner to remember what happened before the animal refused to go to the toilet and observe at what time and in what places the cat prefers to relieve its natural needs. Understanding why the cat doesn’t go to the litter box is almost half of the solution to the problem situation.

It is useless to scold and beat an animal. The behavioral problem is caused by circumstances that the tailed animal itself cannot cope with. Punishments will not stop unwanted behavior and will cause the cat to mistrust its owner.

Refusal to go to the toilet - instinct to find a partner

A non-sterile animal goes into heat with a certain frequency. Cats come into heat 2-5 times a year, and cats dream of meeting a beautiful lady all the time. In nature, animals look for a partner using a specific smell left with marks and a characteristic cry.

When mournful meowing does not lead to the appearance of a partner in a city apartment, the cat can move on to “arranging” marks. She is attracted to objects that carry a fresh, uncharacteristic smell for the room. For example, the owner's shoes. Promising places for marking, from the point of view of a walking cat, are areas near the balcony and front door: because of the cracks, the animal picks up the smell of the entrance and street.

The cat has a different method of searching for a partner - it randomly places marks, twitching its tail and squirting a small amount of urine with a characteristic odor. A cat’s toilet habits are “forgotten” only during walks. The cat constantly defecates in small portions on furniture and shoes, but the animal leaves a large portion of urine in the potty.

If your tailed pet goes to the toilet in boots, think about sterilization. Removing the uterus and ovaries from a young animal solves this problem immediately. Delaying leads to the fact that the apartment is covered with old marks and, according to the cat, it is one big toilet. Correcting an acquired habit is difficult and sometimes impossible.

The cat does not go to the litter box due to illness

Do not take into account the situation when an animal, weakened after a serious illness or due to injury, cannot stand on its feet and is forced to “walk under itself.” The cat's innate cleanliness will put everything in its place as soon as it gets on its feet. There should be a bowl of water and food and a potty within a few steps of the sick animal. This increases the chances that a cat weak from illness will find the strength to take 2-3 steps and relieve itself in a familiar place.

If the animal is cheerful and cheerful, but from time to time it goes to the toilet “in a small way” on the owner’s bed or other soft things, then it’s time to start checking the animal’s excretory system. Cats with urolithiasis are prone to this habit. There is no scientific explanation for the behavior. But veterinarians and owners have noticed a pattern: the cat, before or during an attack, “forgets” about the litter box, and after docking, “remembers.” The female is less likely to be susceptible to urolithiasis, but kidney disease is also common in her.

If your cat stops going to the litter box, visit your veterinarian and get a urine test. It is taken from a sedated cat through a catheter. Frequent and small puddles noticeable on the laundry should cause alarm.

Dirty cat litter

Cats are naturally clean. It’s rare that an animal will agree to regularly go into an untidy potty. But everyone’s concept of pollution is different. Some cats will not go to a litter box that has not been cleaned after the previous visit; for other animals, it is enough to clean the toilet area 1-2 times a day.

The main indicator of dissatisfaction with the sanitary condition of the toilet is that the cat does not go into the tray, but next to it. Despite the problem, this situation is easy to resolve. You will need 2-3 trays, possibly smaller ones. They can be placed at a short distance from each other, or they can be placed, for example, in the toilet and in the corridor. On average, an animal visits the toilet for all purposes a total of 3-6 times a day. Cleaning three autonomous trays twice a day will allow the animal to choose the appropriate one and not leave excrement on the floor.

The cat is scared

The discomfort experienced by the animal as a result of visiting the litter box can lead to long-term avoidance. The owner may not even be aware of the reasons for the fear. For example, a toilet flushed while a cat is relieving itself can greatly frighten the animal so that it refuses to go inside the toilet room. A common indicator will be excrement near the door to the room. The owner should put the tray in place of signs of going to the toilet and gradually move it to its usual place. People will have to endure the inconvenience for no more than a week or two. Due to the slow movement of the tray, the cat’s fear of the situation disappears and the culture of toilet behavior is restored.

An unpleasant situation could be accidentally getting your paws wet or dirty while visiting the litter box. This case can also go unnoticed by the owner. Especially if this happened during a period when no one was home. Within a few hours, the cat will lick the remaining feces or urine from its paws, but distrust of the litter box will remain. The animal can begin to visit the toilet near the tray and in any place in the apartment, not leaving rags on the floor, fallen things and bags unattended. It is difficult to restore trust and overcome disgust in this case.

What to do if your cat stops going to the litter box

Use the small enclosed room method. A cage that only fits a cat and a litter box will do. It is unacceptable to keep an animal in it for a long time, but you will need to catch the right moments. The urge to defecate and urinate appears 15-45 minutes after eating. The owner needs to limit the cat's access to food and feed it by the hour.

  1. After the morning meal, place the cat in the cage, giving the choice: go to the toilet under itself or risk using the potty. A persistent aversion to the tray is usually not observed, so the animal will most likely choose the lesser of two evils.
  2. After the “deeds are done,” praise the cat and release it.

It is not recommended to talk to the animal, even in a very gentle tone, when it is “in the process.” In these intimate moments, the cat needs to be alone with itself. Even a calm and encouraging voice from the owner can distract the animal from the process, which is unacceptable when correcting behavior.

By the way, an interruption in going to the toilet due to external influences can also cause the cat to not go to the litter box. You should not go into the toilet room, address the cat, and even more so, allow the child to pick it up if the animal has not finished and buried its “done work.”

Another method of correcting behavioral litter box refusal is to provide a choice. Several types of filler will be required. The pots need to be placed in a familiar place close to each other.

Suitable for experiment:

  • regular sand,
  • soil - you need to collect it at a shallow depth - this will eliminate the possibility of animal excrement getting into the tray,
  • fine-grained ready-made filler,
  • silica gel.

New types of dry food attract the attention of the animal. Anything that can be raked with a paw is perceived by the cat as a place suitable for the toilet.

The same tactics should be followed if you take home an animal from the street. You don’t know the animal’s lifestyle and habits, so you need to explain the norms of toilet culture to the cat in a language it understands. Remember that it will take 3-4 days for the skill to become stable.

If the animal has chosen one of the trays for excrement, then at the end of the process it is worth cleaning it and leaving the assortment of trays in their places. There is no need to praise the animal or attract its attention: a cultural visit to the litter box is an ordinary situation. If the cat has found “its” litter, it is available and within the owner’s means, then the problem can be considered resolved. When an animal prefers soil or sand - and it is difficult to find them in sufficient quantities - or an expensive type of filling in the tray, then the usual filler should be added to it, but not the one that the animal refused. After 2-3 weeks, replacement occurs.

A change of residence led to the abandonment of the tray

If a cat does not go to the litter box at a new place of residence, then this is more likely a common practice than an out of the ordinary situation. The owner will have to take the time to remind the cat about toilet culture. You can use the same physiological rule - you will need the potty some time after eating. You need to constantly watch a well-fed cat or hold it in your arms, putting it in a pot and raking it with your paw. There is no need to force the animal inside the tray. A few strokes and kind words are enough. If the cat jumps out as if scalded, it’s not a problem. Let her walk around the apartment under supervision and repeat the situation after a while. Don't let things happen during the first few days of your cat's stay in the new premises.

The habit of doing things behind the sofa or under furniture will not be established immediately, and it is difficult to get rid of what has become the norm for an animal. As soon as you notice that your pet has jumped into the tray without a reminder, you can calm down and stop watching the animal.

What should you do if your cat stops going to the litter box and attempts to correct the situation are unsuccessful? Perhaps the owner cannot understand the pet’s behavior and in this case the help of a zoopsychologist will be required.

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